The unit costs for providing access at dock and pier facilities
are calculated and the industry implementation cost for ADA compliance
determined in a six step process, as presented in paragraph 3.2.1.
The access requirements for this segment of the industry are
driven mainly by the needs of mobility-impaired persons, in particular
specified path of travel geometries for wheelchairs.
This chapter presents dock and pier access solutions. Chapter
7 presents the unit incremental costs and industry implementation
costs. Introductory comments on each step of the process follow:
- Physical barriers to access from land to vessel (Section
6.2)-- Up to three pathway elements must be considered
in the construction of access solutions: the stable approach (land
or fixed structure such as a pier), passenger loading platform
(dock), and the vessel deck.
- Constraints on solutions (Section 6.3)-- The
unique dynamic nature of the marine environment imposes cost,
reliability, and operations constraints upon the design of access
solutions. These must be integrated into the solutions.
- Classification of marine facilities (Section 6.4)--
The classification matrix will model the facility population by
vessel type serviced and hydrographic features.
- Proposed access solutions (Section 6.5)-- The
set of practicable and cost-effective solutions for the population
of marine facilities is based upon identified barriers and constraints.
- Incremental costs of proposed access solutions (Section
7.1)-- Incremental costs, relative to providing
non-compliant access, are calculated for each proposed solution.
- Industry implementation cost (Section 7.2)--
Industry implementation costs are based on the proposed solutions,
the estimated number of affected facilities, and logic linking
the solutions to the modeled facility population. The population
is modeled on limited data; a range of industry costs is, therefore,
Access from shore to vessel involves transit along three path-of-travel
elements: stable approach, passenger loading platform, and vessel
deck (Figure 6-1). The access barriers result from the intervening
differences in height among those elements, whose descriptions
- Stable approach-- The start point of the path
of travel, land and/or a fixed pier.
- Passenger loading platform-- The intermediate
component along the path of travel, i.e. a floating dock. This
is the most common configuration, but access is sometimes provided
directly from the stable approach to the vessel deck.
- Vessel deck-- The end of the shore facility
portion of the path of travel.
Figure 6-1
Physical Access Barriers from Dock to Vessel

The accommodations to overcome the barriers will satisfy a set
of "nominal marine conditions", which include tidal
or non-tidal height limits of ten and twenty feet, respectively,
and the assumption that severe weather is not causing excessive
motions. The approach to categorizing shore facilities sorts
on this assumed hydrographic condition (yes or no). Combinations
of the physical access barriers along the path of travel determine
the designs of the proposed access solutions. Description of
the barriers follows:
- Height difference between the stable approach and the
water-- The stable approach to a passenger boarding facility
is typically high enough above average water level to prevent
submergence in all but the most extreme conditions. The height
of the stable approach can range from several feet to over 20
feet, and is based on historical data.
- Water level changes-- All waterfront facilities
experience changes in the height of the water relative to the
stable approach. Coastal facilities undergo tidal cycles twice
daily, with normal ranges from little more than a foot to over
twenty feet. Non-tidal (inland) facilities experience water level
changes as the result of rain, snowmelt, dam releases, etc., which
tend to occur in predictable patterns over time. The changes
are less frequent than at tidal facilities, but can be more severe,
with normal ranges often in excess of 20 feet. Extreme weather
conditions can add considerably to the range at all facilities.
- Height difference between passenger loading platform
and the vessel-- When a loading platform (dock) is in
the pathway between the stable approach and the vessel, the freeboard
difference between the dock and the vessel is an access barrier.
Because freeboards of docks and vessels vary greatly, there will
be widely varied and unique height differences for dock-vessel
combinations. This height difference may also vary for a particular
dock-vessel pair with loading and weather conditions.
The following are the unique design constraints imposed by the
marine environment for providing access from shore facilities
to vessels:
- Dynamic nature of the marine environment-- Shore
facilities are exposed to a dynamic marine environment, with the
impact of waves, wind, tides, current, and weather. The functional
design of access features must account for the resulting loads
and motions.
- Changes in height differences-- Access solutions
in the marine environment differ from those on land in that height
differences change, over both short and long time frames. Changing
height differences drive a unique set of solutions for accessibility.
- Lift and stability requirements of floating structures--
Excluding fixed piers, access structures are floating components
subject to the same static and dynamic effects as vessels. The
design of access solutions for docks must take into account lift
(weight), heel and trim due to shifting of weight, and the dynamic
effects of wind and waves.
- Exposure to harsh weather conditions-- While
any outdoor system for accessibility must be designed and built
to withstand the impacts of weather, marine facilities are especially
impacted by their environment, i.e. the effects of water, salt
and air on durability and reliability.
Development of access solutions requires a system for facility
classification. The following attributes define shore facilities
and result in sixteen facility types as shown in Table 6-1 below:
- Normal range of water height--The normal range
of water height can vary from less than one foot to in excess
of 25 feet. Industry's experience has of course been that access
with greater height changes is the more difficult. The evidence
is that height changes of more than ten feet for tidal facilities
and twenty feet for non-tidal facilities are logical breakpoints
for characterization, based upon the Army Corps of Engineers Port
Series, showing 90-95% of port facilities below that threshold.
- Available water sheet-- Space limitations are
frequently a factor in how easily a facility can be made accessible.
Available watersheet, the area over the water available for docks
and piers and vessel maneuvering, is often a critical matter and
is defined by issues of property ownership and navigable waterways.
The breakpoint of 40,000 ft2 was suggested during
the Massachusetts negotiated regulation for waterborne transportation
access because it provides area for a 100' vessel to turn, a large-scale
full access solution, and dock space.
- Scheduled versus unscheduled service-- From
a user perspective, there is generally a greater presumption that
scheduled service will be accessible. Although ADA does not specifically
make any references to scheduled or unscheduled service, there
are several analogous concepts in ADA and other rulemakings.
- Type of vessel using facility-- The type and
size of vessels using a facility relate directly to passenger
volumes and the size of a facility to accommodate them. Facility
size and passenger volumes are key factors for determining access
requirements. As in Chapters 4 and 5, vessel size roughly corresponds
to Coast Guard subchapter classifications H/K (large) and T (small).
Table 6-1 describes the facilities by service and hydrographic
characteristics. Each category is scored with "+" and
"-" for tidal height, available watersheet, schedule,
and vessel size. "+" scores indicate the need and practicality
of full access, while "-" scores indicate less intensive
use or greater site-related difficulties. The results are then
expressed on a scale from 0 to 4, corresponding to the number
of "+" marks received.
This categorization is used in the calculation of industry implementation
costs, specifically in Section 7.2 which establishes the linkage
between the shore facility population and the fleet.
Table 6-1
Marine Facilities Matrix
| Service Characteristics
| Scheduled (+) H/K (+)
| Scheduled (+) T (-)
| Unscheduled (-) H/K (+)
| Unscheduled (-) T (-)
P F | Water height < 10'/
20' (+) (Note 1), water sheet > 40K ft2 (+)
| ++++
| +++-
| ++-+
| ++--
h e
y a s t
| Water height < 10'/
20' (+), water sheet < 40K ft2 (-)
| +-++
| +-+-
| +--+
| +---
i u c r
a e
| Water height > 10'/
20' (-), water sheet > 40K ft2 (+)
| -+++
| -++-
| -+-+
| -+--
l s | Water height > 10'/
20' (-), water sheet < 40K ft2 (-)
| --++
| --+-
| ---+
| ----
Note 1: Water height limits shown for tidal/non-tidal facilities.
6.5.1 Criteria
The process for identifying design constraints and developing
facility classification criteria drives the development of practicable
access solutions. A limited number of solutions are advanced
for the purpose of calculating unit costs. These solutions are
not all inclusive but provide a reasonable spectrum for modeling
industry costs. Given the variety of facilities now in service
and the possibilities for new engineering approaches, it is expected
that accessibility solutions will vary widely.
The following four criteria inform the design of proposed shore-to-vessel
access solutions:
- Broadest possible applicability-- Access solutions
apply to a broad cross section of shore facilities. A limited
number are chosen to simplify the process of developing industry-wide
- ADAAG specifications-- All solutions will satisfy
ADAAG ramp specifications for slip-resistant surfaces, handrails,
gaps, clearance, and live loads. Non-compliance with ADA slope
requirements for transition plates at either end of the gangway
would be allowable if properly identified for potential users.
Depending on the facility classification, exemptions to ADA slope
and length regulations could be acceptable (discussion in Chapter
- Unassisted access-- Solutions should provide
unassisted access to the vessel.
- Reasonable cost-- Low installation cost will
mean faster compliance. The proposed access solutions defined
for this report will not be universally adopted as new engineering
approaches will emerge; low cost solutions will, however, be the
most likely outcome.
- Low maintenance-- An access system that is not
properly maintained will not provide access for very long.
6.5.2 Proposed Solutions
Four components are selected as the basis of unit cost calculations
and the cost roll-out.
COMPONENT 1: Either a 60'-80' accessible
gangway (1) or a "Double entry" ramp (1a) and twin 30'
accessible gangways (1b) from stable approach to passenger loading
platform. Double entry means that there are two start points
on the land at different heights; one of the start points will
require a fixed ramp.
COMPONENT 2: 120' fixed ramp system (2a) and associated
floating platform (2b).
COMPONENT 3: 12' accessible boarding gangway.
Selected combinations of these components make up five solutions
which have been found to be feasible for application to all of
59 terminal facilities visited. Solutions 1 through 4, shown
in Figures 6-2 through 6-5, are for the "high access"
facilities, that is, those rated "3" or "4"
Figure 6-2
"High Access" solution with Components 1a,
1b, 2a, 2b, and 3

Figure 6-3
High Access solution with Components 1, 2a, 2b, and
Figure 6-4
High Access solution with Components 1a, 1b, and 3

Figure 6-5
High or Low Access solution with Components 1 and 3
Figure 6-6
"Low Access" solution with Components 1 and

Table 6-1, based upon intensity of use and hydrographic characteristics.
Solutions 4 and 5 (Figures 6-5 and 6-6) are lower impact designs
for those facilities with lower access profiles, that is, rated
from "0" to "2". The range of water heights
at affected facilities implies that low cost solutions will often
provide full access for category "3" and "4"
facilities. Likewise, Solutions #4 and 5 may often provide full
access at category "0-2" facilities.
All of the high access solutions may be varied to suit greater
height differences for the small percentage of such facilities.
Higher unit costs for those facilities are included in the full
implementation calculation in Chapter 7.
Note that Solutions 4 and 5 are variations on the simplest possible
design, including Components 1 and 3. The ramp from land to float
is either 80' or 60' long. Solution #4 may be either a "High"
or "Low" access design, depending on the local hydrography.
It is used for both situations in the industry cost calculations.
6.5.3 Safety concerns
Costs for the proposed solutions will be developed with all pertinent
safety features and ADAAG specifications in mind. These safety
issues may not be readily apparent in examining the proposed solutions,
but they were considered in every solution examined:
- Information on travel path- The path of travel
at a marine facility is likely to differ from what someone would
encounter on land. As a result, it is critical that information
on these differences be made available to all users.
- Guardrails-- Because of the inherent dangers
of accidentally leaving the path of travel at a marine facility,
guardrails are critical to insuring passenger safety.
- Edge Treatments/Detectable Warnings-- Tactile
edge treatments and detectable warnings for the sight-impaired
are also critical to insuring passenger safety.
- Changes in slopes, heights, materials, etc.--
The path of travel from land to vessel is likely to have frequent
changes, particularly slopes. For user safety, it is important
to identify these at the proper time.
- Non-slip surfaces-- Most areas at a marine facility
will periodically get wet or damp from water spray. The wide
use and application of non-slip surfaces is important for passenger
- Assistance- - Assistance by crew for
all passengers in the marine environment is standard practice
due to its dynamic nature. This positive tradition in the industry
will be a part of the growing need for access for persons with
The industry cost calculations have the following three steps:
- Development of unit costs for the access components
- Calculation of unit access solution costs (Scenarios 1-6)
- Cost of industry implementation based upon finding the number,
or range of numbers, of terminals affected nationally
The first two steps are straightforward, given the availability
of component costs data and the access solutions advanced in Chapter
6. The industry cost is limited by available shore facility data,
and are of necessity presented as a range of cost scenarios based
upon different data extrapolations. The extrapolations result
from varied inputs for numbers of terminals, tied to the vessel
population, and the distributions of unit access solution costs
within the terminal population.
The incremental, or premium, costs of providing access for each
solution are calculated, that is, the additional costs of fully
accessible systems relative to existing industry standards. The
incremental cost elements for all components in the proposed solutions
- Extra gangway width
- Extra gangway length
- Extra handrails/guardrails
- Non-slip surface
- ADA compliant approach
- Signage
- Strengthening to ADA required weight limits
Cost units begin at the component level and add together to give
unit scenario costs. The access scenario premiums are the differences
between the scenario costs and those estimated for non-compliant
7.1.1 Unit component costs
Table 7-1 shows sample unit costs developed for the access components.
They do not include costs for current industry construction practices.
Detailed supporting data and notes are in Appendix E.
Table 7-1
Component unit costs
Access component
| Height
| Length
| Cost
1. 60' accessible gangway
| 5'
| 60'
| $15,900 |
1. 80' accessible gangway
| 7'
| 80'
| $21,200 |
1. 100' accessible gangway
| 8'
| 100'
| $26,500 |
1a. Double gangway entry ramp.
| 5'
| 60'
| $30,000 |
1a. Double gangway entry ramp.
| 8'
| 100'
| $50,000 |
1b. Two 30', accessible gangways.
| 5'
| (2) X 30'
| $10,500 |
2a. 120' fixed ramp system.
| 10'
| 120'
| $31,000 |
2b. Supporting float for 120' fixed ramp
| NA
| NA
| $70,000 |
2a. 180' fixed ramp system.
| 15'
| 180'
| $46,500 |
2b. Supporting float for 180' fixed ramp
| NA
| NA
| $105,000 |
3. 12' accessible boarding gangway
| 1'
| 12'
| $2,100 |
Note: Height and length refer to height of barrier and 12:1 length
to overcome.
7.1.2 Unit solution costs
The component cost units are added to find the unit cost for each
access solution in Table 7-2. Access barrier height differences
vary over a wide range for each access solution; however, uniform
representative heights and lengths were chosen for each solution.
These are reflected in the access solutions and costs.
One baseline non-accessible configuration is used in order to
determine the access premium for all solutions. It consists of
a standard 50 foot gangway and a set of portable stairs to the
vessel's deck edge. The gangway cost was based on standard, currently
available equipment. No costs were assigned to the stairs, nor
for the baseline float, which is assumed to be required for any
solution. The baseline cost is $5,300.
Table 7-2 includes notional costs developed for solutions for
high tidal/non-tidal water height changes, identified as "High
1/2/3/4/5". The water heights given in Table 7-2 are representative
of a range; the "high" solutions therefore do not solve
for the most extreme situations. Longer ramps and gangways for
each solution raise the component costs. The baseline cost for
non-accessible solutions in these situations is $10,000.
Detailed scenario unit cost calculations are found in Appendix
Table 7-2
Solution unit costs
| Height
| 1
| 1a
| 1b
| 2a
| 2b
| 3
| Total
| Net cost
Solution 1
| 10'
| $0
| $30,000
| $10,500
| $31,000
| $70,000
| $2,100
| $143,600
| $138,300
Solution 2
| 10'
| $15,900
| $0
| $0
| $31,000
| $70,000
| $2,100
| $119,000
| $113,700
Solution 3
| 8'
| $0
| $30,000
| $10,500
| $0
| $0
| $2,100
| $42,600
| $37,300
Solution 4
| 7'
| $21,200
| $0
| $0
| $0
| $0
| $2,100
| $23,300
| $18,000
Solution 5
| 5'
| $15,900
| $0
| $0
| $0
| $0
| $2,100
| $18,000
| $12,700
High 1
| 15'
| $0
| $50,000
| $15,900
| $46,500
| $105,000
| $2,100
| $219,500
| $209,500
High 2
| 15'
| $21,200
| $0
| $0
| $46,500
| $105,000
| $2,100
| $174,800
| $164,800
High 3
| 10'
| $0
| $50,000
| $15,900
| $0
| $0
| $2,100
| $68,000
| $58,000
High 4
| 10'
| $26,500
| $0
| $0
| $0
| $0
| $2,100
| $28,600
| $18,600
High 5
| 7'
| $21,200
| $0
| $0
| $0
| $0
| $2,100
| $23,300
| $13,300
The industry roll-out cost calculation includes existing facilities
only and does not account for new construction trends. The difficulties
of data collection, discussed below, make accurate projections
of replacement rate of existing facilities and the construction
rate of new facilities impossible. Therefore, the cost of implementation
for existing facilities only will follow that of new construction
and retrofits for vessels, i.e. a 40-year phase-in.
The shore facility industry cost calculation consists of the following
- Analysis of available data, including validation by
site survey information
- Development of facility baseline data base by linking
to vessel population (Section 4.3)
- Linking access solutions to facility data base
- Industry costs found as a range defined by upper and
lower facility/vessel ratios and three distributions of access
solutions to the population
7.2.1 Data analysis
Only two sources for shore facility data were found, both from
U.S. Government agencies. Descriptions of the available data
- Army Corps of Engineer Port Series-- The reports
in the Port Series cover the principal United States coastal,
Great Lakes and inland ports. There are 59 separate reports,
which are updated on a regular basis. Each report contains a
general description of the port area and a listing of port and
harbor facilities. The general port description includes the
tidal range of the port.
The port and harbor facility list includes all wharves, piers
and docks in the port by category of use. The usage categories
include separate listing for vehicular ferries and passenger ferries.
There is a separate description of each pier, wharf and dock
which includes physical dimensions, owner and operator.
- Federal Transit Administration National Waterborne Passenger
Transportation Data Base-- This data base (abbreviated
to NWPTDB) identifies 168 separate ferry systems operating in
the United States. Each system is profiled separately. The profile
contains information on the ferry system location, number of routes,
and vessels operated. The NWPTDB covers those ferry lines and
associated facilities that responded to the original questionnaire.
The passenger fleet data development in para. 4.3.3 indicates
that this survey gives excellent coverage of the national ferry
fleet and its shore facilities.
- Field data-- The practicability of the six access
scenarios was confirmed by trips to a representative range of
shore facilities in New England, San Francisco Bay, Chicago, Cincinnati,
New York City, Oregon, and Cape May, New Jersey. The number of
vessels at each facility was also observed for the purpose of
calculating facility/vessel ratios. Figure 7-1 is an example
of a multi-berth facility servicing multiple vessels. Detailed
site visit results are in Appendix E (Figure E-1).
Figure 7-1
Multi-vessel facility
(Component #s indicated)
The Army Corps data base is far from comprehensive; it covers
only large fixed facilities in the principal port areas. For
these purposes, it is inadequate as a national model and no correlation
can be drawn to our field data since so many smaller ports and
facilities were visited. This data base does, however, give an
excellent indication of the distribution of coastal and inland
water height ranges (see Appendix E).
It shows that, except for Alaska, some parts of Maine, and some
river sites, all normal ranges are less than the threshold values
of ten and twenty feet. Seven sites with water height ranges
in excess of the thresholds were visited (about 12% of the total),
including six in the Cincinnati, Ohio/Covington, Kentucky area.
This ratio is too high based on Army Corps data and is adjusted
to 5% of the total population. The industry cost calculation,
therefore, reflects higher unit costs for that portion of facilities.
Therefore national facility data will be characterized as follows:
- Ferry terminals-- The number of ferry facilities
is drawn directly from NWPTDB, a total of 357. Based upon field
observations, all facilities are assumed to be in scheduled service
("+"), less than 10'/20' tidal range ("+"),
and non-restricted water sheet ("+"). Distribution
between H/K and T service is proportional to the fleet distribution,
that is 219 H/K facilities ("++++") and 138 T facilities
("+++-"). All are therefore in Categories 4 and 3 (Table
- Non-ferry terminals-- This population is developed
from field observations and extrapolation of facility/vessel ratios
using developed fleet data. The distribution of vessel types,
by Coast Guard subchapter, among the observed facilities is extrapolated
to the entire existing fleet. Two ratios are applied in order
to get a range of cost impacts since the confidence in the data
is low.
The global ratio of 0.43 and a local (Boston) study ratio of 0.33
resulted from the field work. The Boston number is distorted
by the presence of a single terminal serving eight passenger vessels.
The global ratio could be influenced by a disproportionate number
of facilities in large and medium sized cities relative to small
port areas. A high end ratio symmetric to the low end number
is probably reasonable. Facility-to-vessel ratios of 0.33 and
0.55 are, therefore, used to bound the range of industry implementation
costs. The population characterization is summarized in Table
The terminals with high water level changes are folded into the
general population by a weighting factor of 1.5, based upon the
unit scenario costs in Table 7-2. The costs for Scenarios 4,
5, and 6 are little changed, but are 50% higher for #1, 2, and
3, the high access solutions for intensive use terminals. The
affected terminals, i.e. all H/K and scheduled service T facilities,
are therefore accounted at 7.5% instead of 5%, by multiplying
the total category numbers by 1.025.
Table 7-3
Shore terminal population
Access Categories shown parenthetically
Terminal type and
| H/K sched.
| T sched.
| H/K un-sched.
| T un-sched.
facility-vessel ratio
| ++
| +-
| -+
| --
Ferry ++ |
224 (4)
| 142 (3)
| NA
| NA
(0.33) x ++
| 209 (4)
| 989 (3)
| 10 (3)
| 168 (2)
(0.33) x +-
| 27 (3)
| 345 (2)
| 0 (2)
| 61 (1)
(0.55) x ++
| 348 (4)
| 1648 (3)
| 16 (3)
| 281 (2)
(0.55) x +-
| 45 (3)
| 576 (2)
| 0 (2)
| 102 (1)
7.2.2 Population/solution linkage
Six industry cost scenarios establish the range of industry expense
for shore facility upgrade. Two facility/vessel ratios, established
in 7.2.1, are crossed with three access solution distributions.
High access facility categories are linked with the high access
solutions, i.e. Categories 4 and 3 are solved by Solutions 1,
2, 3, and 4. Low access facility categories 2, 1, and 0 are addressed
by Solutions #4 and 5.
The available data do not support any particular distribution
of access solutions to the facility population; therefore three
distributions are chosen to show a range of costs with different
proportions of high and low cost solutions. Table 7-4 describes
the linkages and distributions. Note that Solutions #1 and 2
are most costly and that #3, 4, and 5 are much cheaper solutions.
Table 7-4
Access Solution Linkages
| S O L U T I O N S
| High access
| Low access
| 1 ($138K)
| 2 ($114K) | 3 ($37K)
| 4 ($18K) | 4 ($18K)
| 5($13K) |
Distrib. 1 | 10%
| 10% | 40%
| 40% | 50%
| 50% |
Distrib. 2 | 25%
| 25% | 25%
| 25% | 50%
| 50% |
Distrib. 3 | 40%
| 40% | 10%
| 10% | 50%
| 50% |
The industry implementation cost is calculated separately for
ferries; the facility/vessel ratio is not varied since the facility
population is well documented. Ferry operations are, by the study's
definitions, all high access terminals. However, many T ferry
facilities consist of simple roll-on/roll-off arrangements for
short runs, including those for ferry barges. Three ferry facility
industry-wide costs only are calculated, for the cost scenarios
in Table 7-4. Only Solutions 1-4 apply, with the caveat that
25% of T ferry facilities need no access features.
Tables 7-5 and 7-6 summarize the results of the industry cost
calculations. Table 7-5 is the societal cost, that is, the present
value of capital outlays over a 40-year replacement and construction
period, with no amortization costs. Table 7-6 shows the present
value of business costs, which include capital costs amortized
at 7.9% over ten years, resulting in a cost stream of 50 years.
The "raw total" values come from the detailed industry
implementation cost sheets, presented in Appendix E (pp. E-9 and
E-10). These actual costs in 1996 dollars are estimated to range
from $79.5 million to $263.8 million.
Table 7-5
Industry-wide terminal access implementation costs
Societal costs
| Raw Total
| Raw annual
| PV 1
| PV 5
| PV 10
| PV 20
| PV 30
| PV 40
| PV
Ferry low
| $14.94
| $0.37
| $0.32
| $0.27
| $0.21
| $0.13
| $0.08
| $0.05
| $6.00
Ferry medium
| $24.95
| $0.62
| $0.54
| $0.45
| $0.36
| $0.22
| $0.14
| $0.09
| $10.02
Ferry high
| $34.97
| $0.87
| $0.76
| $0.63
| $0.50
| $0.31
| $0.20
| $0.12
| $14.04
R=0.33; low
| $64.64
| $1.62
| $1.40
| $1.16
| $0.92
| $0.58
| $0.36
| $0.23
| $25.96
R=0.33; med.
| $99.87
| $2.50
| $2.17
| $1.80
| $1.42
| $0.89
| $0.56
| $0.35
| $40.10
R=0.33; high
| $139.48
| $3.49
| $3.03
| $2.51
| $1.99
| $1.24
| $0.78
| $0.49
| $56.00
R=0.55; low
| $107.74
| $2.69
| $2.34
| $1.94
| $1.53
| $0.96
| $0.60
| $0.38
| $43.26
R=0.55; med.
| $167.46
| $4.19
| $3.64
| $3.02
| $2.39
| $1.49
| $0.93
| $0.58
| $67.24
R=0.55; high
| $228.81
| $5.72
| $4.97
| $4.12
| $3.26
| $2.04
| $1.28
| $0.80
| $91.87
The costs in Table 7-5 and 7-6 may be apportioned along the lines
of vessel size by Coast Guard Subchapter. The apportionment is
asshown in Table 7-7, per industry implementation spreadsheets,
pp. E-9 and E-10 in Appendix E:
- Ferry terminals-- H/K account for 67% of the
total cost and T for 33% of the total.
- Non-ferry terminals-- H/K accounts for 17-19%
of the total and T for 81-83%.
Table 7-6
Industry-wide terminal access implementation costs
Business costs, amortized
| Raw Total
| Raw annual
| PV 5
| PV 10
| PV 20
| PV 30
| PV 40
| PV 50
| PV Total
Ferry low
| $14.94
| $0.37
| $0.20
| $0.32
| $0.20
| $0.12
| $0.08
| $0.00
| $7.33
Ferry medium
| $24.95
| $0.62
| $0.33
| $0.53
| $0.33
| $0.21
| $0.13
| $0.01
| $12.25
Ferry high
| $34.97
| $0.87
| $0.47
| $0.74
| $0.46
| $0.29
| $0.18
| $0.01
| $17.16
R=0.33; low
| $64.64
| $1.62
| $0.86
| $1.37
| $0.85
| $0.53
| $0.33
| $0.02
| $31.73
R=0.33; med.
| $99.87
| $2.50
| $1.33
| $2.11
| $1.32
| $0.83
| $0.52
| $0.03
| $49.02
R=0.33; high
| $139.48
| $3.49
| $1.86
| $2.95
| $1.84
| $1.15
| $0.72
| $0.05
| $68.46
R=0.55; low
| $107.74
| $2.69
| $1.44
| $2.28
| $1.42
| $0.89
| $0.56
| $0.03
| $52.88
R=0.55; med.
| $167.46
| $4.19
| $2.24
| $3.54
| $2.21
| $1.39
| $0.87
| $0.05
| $82.19
R=0.55; high
| $228.81
| $5.72
| $3.06
| $4.83
| $3.03
| $1.89
| $1.18
| $0.07
| $112.30
Table 7-7
Terminal access cost summary, 1996 present value ($millions)
| | Society costs
| | Business costs
Vessel type/
| Facility/vessel ratio (R)
| H/K facilities
| T facilities
| Total
| H/K facilities
| T facilities
| Total
Ferry low
| 0.91
| $4.07
| $1.93
| $6.00
| $4.97
| $2.36
| $7.33
Ferry medium
| 0.91
| $6.79
| $3.23
| $10.02
| $8.30
| $3.95
| $12.25
Ferry high
| 0.91
| $9.52
| $4.52
| $14.04
| $11.63
| $5.53
| $17.16
Non-ferry, low
| 0.33
| $4.46
| $21.49
| $25.96
| $5.45
| $26.27
| $31.73
Non-ferry, med.
| 0.33
| $7.45
| $32.64
| $40.10
| $9.11
| $39.90
| $49.02
Non-ferry, high
| 0.33
| $10.44
| $45.56
| $56.00
| $12.77
| $55.69
| $68.46
Non-ferry, low
| 0.55
| $7.44
| $35.82
| $43.26
| $9.09
| $43.79
| $52.88
Non-ferry, med.
| 0.55
| $12.43
| $54.81
| $67.24
| $15.19
| $67.00
| $82.19
Non-ferry, high
| 0.55
| $17.41
| $74.46
| $91.87
| $21.28
| $91.02
| $112.30
This chapter is a brief examination of the impact of access requirements
on individual businesses; five examples, mostly representative
of small concerns, are provided. They are the following:
- An operator of two Subchapter K dinner/excursion boats who
will retrofit one in 2005, replace the other in 2010, and refurbish
the dock in 2010 (Scenario 1).
- A T ferry operator who will retrofit one vessel in 2000, replace
another in 2010, and replace his dock in 2005 (Scenario 2).
- A T commuter boat operator who will replace the vessel in
2005 and the dock in 2010 (Scenario 4).
- An operator of two T fishing boats who will replace them in
2005 and 2010 and rebuild the dock in 2005 (Scenario 4).
- An operator of two T whalewatcher and excursion boats who
will retrofit the whalewatcher in 2005, replace the excursion
boat in 2010, and refurbish the dock in 2005 (Scenario 5).
Table 8-1 summarizes the costs that would be incurred by the sample
businesses. Capital costs are given first in 1995 dollars and
then amortized ten years from the build year and present valued
to 1995. Operating expenses for a thirty year period from the
build year are present valued to 1995.
Table 8-1
Operator scenario costs
| Boat 1
| Boat 2
| Dock
| | Capital $
| Oper. $
| | Capital $
| Oper. $
| | Capital $
| |
| Description
| Raw '95 $
| 10-yr. APV
| 30-yr. PV
| Description
| Raw '95 $
| 10-yr.
| 30-yr. PV
| Description
| Raw '95 $
| 10-yr.
| |
1 | Alteration 2005
| $102,000
| $73,832 |
$352,226 |
Newbuild 2010
| $88,250 |
$50,530 | $72,950
| Replace 2010
| $138,300
| $79,188 |
2 | Alteration 2000
| $87,500 |
$80,067 | $422,877
| Newbuild 2010
| $89,500 |
$51,246 | $150,469
| Replace 2005
| $113,700
| $82,300 |
3 | Newbuild 2005
| $12,000 |
$8,686 | $4,834
| NA
| $0 | $0
| $0 | Replace 2010
| $12,700 |
$7,272 | $20,791
4 | Newbuild 2005
| $19,500 |
$14,115 | $1,731
| Newbuild 2010
| $19,500 |
$11,165 | $1,283
| Replace 2005
| $12,700 |
$9,193 | $37,487
5 | Alteration 2005
| $27,250 |
$19,725 | $214,254
| Newbuild 2010
| $69,750 |
$39,937 | $74,767
| Replace 2005
| $12,700 |
$9,193 | $357,876
PV = present value
APV = amortized, present value
Elevators installed for the purpose of providing multi-deck access
for persons with disabilities are the single access feature which
may significantly impact the stability of a passenger vessel.
The weight (in excess of two long tons) and the high location
imply basic design issues for some vessels beyond the economic
considerations of direct cost and deck space losses. A sampling
of five passenger vessels is the object of a brief analysis to
see how the addition of elevators affects stability.
The analysis proceeds on two sets of data: 1) the signature of
the vessel and the particulars of the elevator retrofit; and 2)
the Coast Guard's statutory stability parameters for passenger
vessels. The following address the first point:
- The samples chosen are existing domestic passenger vessels,
known to satisfy all stability regulations in their present condition,
i.e. with no elevators19.
- Elevator is assumed to serve all passenger accommodation decks.
- Elevator is placed in the most favorable position stability
wise, amidships and on the centerline.
- The elevator's center of gravity is assumed with the car in
its topmost position .
Stability requirements are the following:
- Coast Guard weather criterion, 46 CFR 170.170, specifying that
vessels sustain heeling moments due to transverse wind loads on
exposed surfaces. The unit area wind load varies with the service
area of the vessel, e.g. exposed, partially protected, and protected
waters. The latter generally correspond to open ocean, areas
within 20 miles of safe refuge, and lakes, rivers, and harbors,
- Coast Guard passenger heeling moment criterion, 46 CFR 171.050,
specifying that vessels sustain heeling moments due to passengers
crowding to one side.
- Coast Guard adopted version of the International Convention
for the Safety of Life at Sea rules for passenger vessel damage
stability, 46 CFR 171.080. These specify, for given damage situations,
minimum range of positive stability, minimum righting energy,
maximum heel angle, and minimum righting arm relative to heeling
moments induced by wind and passenger crowding. Positive range
and righting arm are indexed to operating areas, similar to the
weather criterion.
Elevator access was modeled as for retrofit to existing vessels,
due to constraints of available data. The models did not include
extra deck space as would be likely for a new design. The following
provisions were part of the analysis:
- All vessels are assumed to operate in "partially protected"
waters. Instances of failure to comply with the weather criterion
resulted in a second iteration at the more benign "protected"
- Weather criterion compliance is checked for four conditions:
departure, fully loaded, with and without the elevator; and arrival,
with stores and liquids "burned out", with and without
the elevator. Wind heeling moments are per the calculations of
ref. 19.
- Required metacentric heights for passenger crowding in the
intact conditions are calculated directly from the Coast Guard
formula and compared directly to found values in the critical
condition: arrival, with elevator. At arrival, the vessel's center
of gravity is highest and its stability is consequently the least
- Damage stability is checked for the critical condition only:
arrival, with installed elevator. Passenger crowding heel moment
is the critical requirement19 and is the only criterion
The analysis shows a compliance with stability regulations among
the vessels sampled, except for the 91 foot excursion boat. In
the four cases which pass the criteria, the addition of an elevator
lessens the margins of compliance somewhat, but in most cases
the residual margin is ample. Detailed results of the analysis
appear in Appendix F.
9.3.1 Intact stability weather criterion
The modified, and more stringent, version of the Coast Guard weather
criterion was employed, i.e., allowing no more than half the heel
angle needed to submerge the deck edge. Four of the vessels passed
easily, and the 91 foot excursion boat passed barely (see Table
9-1). In the latter case, the addition of an elevator would cause
much greater heeling under wind loads and probably result in significant
passenger discomfort.
Table 9-1
Compliance with 46 CFR 171.170
Vessel | Wind load area (ft2)
| Maximum allowed |
Resulting |
80' shuttle boat | 1175
| 9.67o | 2.76o
91' excursion (ex-crew) boat | 1388
| 12.75o | 10.72o
105' dinner boat | 2803
| 6.81o | 1.91o
192' dinner boat | 4314
| 6.16o | 3.40o
274' paddle wheeler | 9827
| 5.33o | 0.66o
9.3.2 Intact stability passenger crowding criterion
This calculation requires a minimum metacentric height, found
formulaically and depending upon passenger capacity, beam of the
vessel, and vessel displacement. Table 9-2 shows the results,
in all cases for the "arrival, with elevator" condition.
The 91 foot excursion boat fails by a narrow margin, although
it passes in the "departure, with elevator" condition.
Table 9-2
Compliance with 46 CFR 171.050
Vessel | Passenger
| Req'd.
GMt (ft)
| Attained
GMt (ft)
80' shuttle boat | 200
| 2.21 | 7.90
91' excursion (ex-crew) boat | 250
| 2.91 | 2.69
105' dinner boat | 600
| 3.35 | 16.50
192' dinner boat | 600
| 2.04 | 11.32
274' paddle wheeler | 1200
| 1.90 | 42.76
9.3.3 Damage stability
The Coast Guard standard requires each vessel to survive certain
"extents of damage" which may occur over its entire
length, under the influence of several external forces such as
wind loading and passenger crowding. The result for each craft
is multiple damage cases, each involving one or more watertight
compartments below the main deck.
All sample vessels except the 91 foot excursion boat comply with
the requirement in the arrival with elevator condition. In five
of its eight damage cases, the 91 footer fails to sustain the
required passenger crowding loads. Quick examination of the results
indicates that this vessel would also fail the less stringent
"protected waters" criterion.
The results show a clear correlation of success with size, the
only failure being one of the two smallest sample vessels. The
size trend can also be observed by examination of the changes
in safety margins when the elevator is added; the relative change
is smaller with progressively larger size.
It is probable that designers of new T boats, or conversions as
in the case of the 91 foot excursion boat, will have weigh carefully
the options of stair lifts and elevators. Stair lifts minimize
weight and engineering impacts, but will likely require extra
stair wells and particular attention from crew members. Elevators
of course add substantial weight and maintenance burdens, but
offer convenience for the passengers with a minimum of crew involvement.
The implementation of ADA in the passenger vessel industry suggests
three possible benefits. This study can only address them qualitatively
since available data does not allow for a valid quantitative estimation
of the benefits.
It should be recognized that these potential benefits represent
a narrow view of access opportunities, neglecting the much wider
monetary and societal benefits of greater inclusion of persons
with disabilities in employment, commerce, and leisure activities.
It is likely that "universal design" concepts will
evolve to successfully accommodate an aging population, people
with disabilities, and users of all shapes and sizes. This bright
future is beyond the scope of this study.
10.1.1 Increased business from persons with disabilities
It is probable that improved access will result in more patronage
of the passenger vessel trade by customers with disabilities.
Measurement of the benefit would require data on: 1) annual industry
revenues; 2) present use levels of marine passenger service by
persons with disabilities; and 3) revenue increment data from
other industries and transport modes due to access improvements.
With these data, revenue enhancements could be estimated with
reasonable certainty on the expected increased frequency of visits
by persons with disabilities. Information on items #2 and 3 is
only available in anecdotal form.
10.1.2 Insurance benefits
The marine environment is unfamiliar territory for many of the
millions of passengers who board each year. Moisture, motion,
spatial limitations, and tripping/climbing obstacles can make
for a hazardous environment on the dock and vessel. There is
evidence that the majority of insurance claims by passengers against
carriers is for "slip, trip, and fall" incidents. A
major marine insurance broker reports that 40% and 22% of all
claims are for mishaps on the decks and on ramps/ladders, respectively.
While it is possible that access improvements will make the industry
safer for able passengers and reduce such claims, such a benefit
may be offset by claims increases from passengers with disabilities
using newly accessible facilities.
A quantitative estimate of this benefit would require: 1) claim
data from marine insurance companies; and 2) data from other industries
and transportation modes showing improved safety and reduced incidence
of injury. These data are not presently available.
10.1.3 Employee health benefits
Improved access for wheelchairs may result in fewer job-related
injuries for operator personnel since crew assistance for the
lifting and moving of wheelchairs is reduced or eliminated. The
Casco Bay Island Transit District has reported that fewer and
less costly employee injury claims have resulted from a thorough
health and safety program which includes job function analysis,
employee training, ADA hiring practices, and capital improvements18.
The report cited access features on vessels in the fleet as a
key factor in reducing high stress lift situations on board.
The research for this project has identified an array of questions
specific to the passenger vessel industry. Some involve application
of the myriad provisions of ADA to the marine sector (a number
of assumptions have been made for the access solutions proposed
herein); other issues are simply beyond the scope of the cost
study. The following points will need clarification:
- Definition of the ADA notion of "alterations" for
the marine industry, for vessels and pier/dock facilities, referring
to current ADA definitions for vehicles and facilities.
- Application of the many other provisions of ADA and ACAA to
the marine industry, e.g., exceptions such as "one-car-per-train"
and "equivalent facilitation", (see 9.2.1).
- Investigation of trigger mechanisms. How does construction
of or alteration to accessible "parts" affect the whole
marine operation, e.g. is the dock part of the accessible path
of travel to a new or upgraded vessel?
- Investigation of emergency egress and evacuation situations
for people with disabilities. The study has made assumptions
relative to the cost impact of lifesaving appliances (none) and
leaves completely aside the issue of crew manning for the evacuation
of large numbers of persons with disabilities.
- Provision of "event" related access features by
vessels in certain services, e.g. gambling machines for motor
impaired people on gaming boats or narrative reading cards for
the hearing-impaired on tour boats.
10.2.1 Application of ADA precedents
The following are brief descriptions of ADA and other regulatory
provisions as they have been applied to transportation modes and
how they might be pertinent for marine access. A broader and
more detailed discussion is provided in Appendix G.
- Air Carriers Access Act (ACAA)-- The Act is significant
for marine passenger service because it 1) recognized situations
in which carriers and loading facilities are differently owned,
requiring provision of access by all stakeholders, and 2) permitted
different access treatments for different sizes of airplanes.
- Railroad access-- Precedents in this mode are probably
analogous to marine public transport assets such as ferries, but
not excursion and other leisure vessels. One level of access
on two-level commuter and dining cars is acceptable, as is "one
car per train" access.
- Undue burden-- Transportation providers may not claim
undue burden relief when acquiring new or remanufactured vehicles.
- Elevator exemption-- Some private entities are exempted
if the building is less than 3 stories or 3000 ft2
per story. Transportation facilities, among others, cannot be
exempted, indicating the importance placed by Congress on transportation
access. There is an analogy, if not exact, to public accommodation
passenger vessels, depending on the cost and technical issues
acknowledged by the regulation.
- New construction-- Access must be provided unless
it is technically infeasible, for which the standards are very
high (cost is generally not a factor). The solutions proposed
herein generally follow this guideline, i.e., they assume feasibility
of providing access. There is flexibility for installing elevators,
depending on size and service of the vessel.
- Alterations-- Alterations must generally meet the
new construction standards "to the maximum extent feasible",
based on technical, not cost, considerations. ATBCB and DOJ have
consistently ruled that adding elevators is not required. No
vessel alteration requires more than proposed solution "Access
2", and that only for large public accommodation vessels,
only in cases where needed to provide full services. Technical
feasibility of access accommodations, especially elevators, will
be more problematic than for new construction.
- Small vehicles-- Surface vehicles carrying less than
16 people are not required to have lifts or ramped access. For
this reason, we have excepted water taxis and crew boats (forms
of public transport) from the study.
- Fundamental nature-- ADA states that accessible accommodations
are not required in cases where they would alter the "fundamental
nature" of the business or activity. An example in the marine
environment would be handrails around a dock where boats tie up.
Other such exceptions are not contemplated in this study, but
may indeed be argued by some operators after implementation.
The approach suggested herein is the product of study of the industry
and its pertinent safety regulations, the requirements of ADA,
and the availability and reliability of data. Industry data was
gathered both for the vessel population and shore facility population,
with mixed results. Future refinements of the cost study, if
desired, would require the acquisition and analysis of better,
more complete data.
10.3.1 Vessel population
There is a clear picture of the present disposition of the passenger
fleet regulated by the Coast Guard. Historical data have two
deficiencies: 1) a gap between 1965 and 1987 when little sorted
data of any kind exists; and 2) the period of time before 1965
when good global fleet data were compiled, but not sorted in any
useful way to reflect vessel sizes and services. Coast Guard
and Army Corps data comprise a good basis for the fleet's last
five years, but retrieving better historical data is probably
not possible. The statement of data needs will, therefore, be
limited to more feasible aims. These are:
- Enhancements of service life expectations. A rigorous data
gathering effort involving owners, designers, and the insurance
industry could establish a better foundation for the assumptions
needed to conduct the industry cost calculation.
- A survey of non-Coast Guard regulated vessels, i.e. those
on non-navigable waters regulated by state marine agencies and
other non-inspected vessels such as those carrying six or fewer
10.3.2 Dock and pier population
Available data are by no means complete. The link between vessel
and shore populations was made based upon a very limited sampling.
Extensive field work would be needed for a better grasp of this
linkage, especially given the wide variety of operations and physical
11.1 Conclusions
The completed and planned work on the passenger vessel access
cost study can be summed up as follows:
- This study has significantly advanced the knowledge in the
area of waterborne access for persons with disabilities. More
work is needed to improve the industry's understanding of access
needs and to form the basis of informed decision making at the
Department of Transportation.
- Much of the data necessary to complete a detailed cost and
benefit analysis was not available. A good snapshot of the current
fleet has been developed, without, however, a strong historical
basis on which to analyze long term industry trends. Shore facility
data is quite weak; a snapshot was developed by site visits, linkage
to the fleet data set, and validation by the limited data in the
Army Corps Port Series.
- Unit costs include both the generic elements of ADAAG specifications
and the unique aspects of marine transportation. The solution
sets are limited to feasibly handle the cost analysis. They provide
realistic outcomes but cannot anticipate all access designs.
- Onboard access requirements should provide for flexible solutions
in a fleet that is diverse in terms of size, service and design,
operating in a unique environment with a unique set of safety
- There should be allowance for innovative solutions by industry,
particularly for mobility access from land to the vessel, where
large height barriers must be overcome, and for mobility on the
vessels, both between decks and in doors and passageways on the
- Operating and revenue costs comprise more than half the total
cost of fleet access. About 85% of these are projected revenue
losses caused by loss of deck space from alterations of existing
vessels; this amount is sensitive to many factors such as design
of access features and frequency of full capacity sailings.
- Revenue losses due to alterations of existing vessels would
be during peak operating capacity times. This may substantially
affect profits for some operators who make most of their money
during peak seasons.
- Fleet capital expenses are based on a rather rigid application
of the proposed full access solution set. The fleet-wide cost
of some features , such as elevators, may be overstated since
innovative designs and operating practices may reduce the need
for such installations. Other costs which are more difficult
to ascertain for a large population, such as upgraded auxiliary
power plants, are not included. The results are unit and fleet
costs which are a valid first approximation, useful for the purposes
of decision making by the Department.
- Unit costs for operators of small passenger vessels (T boats)
are lower, but the burden may nonetheless be more onerous for
those small businesses. The fleetwide cost for T boats is the
highest because of the preponderantly large size of that fleet
- Costs of access across the docks and piers were difficult
to estimate because of weak industry data. A limited set of five
solutions, which were found to be sufficient for all of a wide
variety of facilities visited, yield a useful estimate of unit
costs. The industry implementation cost is a range estimate since
data were insufficient to characterize the size or the nature
of the population.
- The needs of access over the docks and piers can be satisfied
in most cases by the set of five solutions developed for the study,
which include no mechanical aids or devices. It is likely that
such devices will appear as technology addresses industry's needs
for improved access.
11.2 Recommendations
This study has advanced the knowledge of watercraft access but
also served to identify several areas where more work is needed
to fully understand implementation of ADA. They are the following:
- Integration of access features with safety design as required
by the Coast Guard. More research involving industry, access
advocates, and the Coast Guard will lead to a comprehensive and
detailed treatment of access on passenger vessels. Particular
attention must be given to alternative elevator design, practicability
of lifts, head design (particularly for state rooms), the details
of sill/ramp design, several ADAAG/Coast Guard (Title 46 CFR)
harmonization issues, and generally how to craft the standards
for the variety of vessel types affected.
- Investigation of unusual vessel types. The Department's
decision making must include passenger vessels not specifically
covered herein, including passenger sailing vessels and the emerging
new class of passenger submarines. Additional work may be needed
to determine the potential impact on vessels beyond the scope
of this study, such as state regulated craft, small boats carrying
less than six passengers, and cargo vessels carrying passengers
for hire.
- Cruise ships. The legal issue of extra-territorial
jurisdiction of the United States in the matter of internationally
flagged cruise ships operating from U.S. shores has so far prevented
field work in that industry. Future research on the provision
and impact of access may be needed if a legal understanding is
achieved with the cruise lines.
- Dock and pier access. Further investigation to improve
knowledge of mobility solutions and to build a more reliable industry
data base would lead to more accurate cost estimates and a better
technical basis on which to build access requirements.
- New technology. Both government and industry must
be aware of the possibilities offered by innovative solutions
to access problems in the marine environment. A technology assessment
would identify promising new approaches, e.g., in lift equipment
and evacuation and lifesaving appliances.
- Documentation. Two documents would be very helpful
for Government and industry: a "best practice" guide
for onboard access features and a training manual for emergency
- Bers, Steven E. "The Americans with Disabilities Act
and the Passenger Vessel Industry", briefing for the National
Association of Passenger Vessel Owners, Jan. 1992.
- Pilsch, Martin C. Jr. "The Impact of the Americans with
Disabilities Act on the Waterborne Passenger Vessel Industry",
FA-MA-06-0197-01-02, Feb. 1993.
- Recreational Access Advisory Committee :Recommendations for
Accessibility Guidelines: Recreational Facilities and Outdoor
Developed Areas", for the ATBCB, 13 Jul. 1994.
- McGuiness et al, "Marine Facilities Access", final
report, 30 Jun 1992.
- Corrado, Hikida, and Trostel "The Feasibility of Applying
the Americans with Disabilities Act to Passenger Vessels",
14 Dec. 1994.
- U.S. Coast Guard "Small Passenger Vessel Inspection and
Certification" 46 CFR Parts 170, 171 and 173 and Chapter
I, Subchapter K and T, Federal Register, Vol. 61, No. 7, 10 Jan.
- Woods Hole, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket Steamship Authority
"Access Regulations for Licensed and Operated Vessels",
no date.
- Port of San Francisco "Guidelines for Access Design of
Floating Structures in San Francisco Bay", draft version,
no date.
- Anthoney, Kevin M. "Cruise Guide for the Disabled",
Cruise Travel, Jan.-Feb. 1993.
- Department of Transportation, Appendix A to Part 37- Standards
for Accessible Transportation Facilities, "ADA Accessibility
Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities", Federal Register,
Vol. 56, No. 173, 6 Sep. 1991.
- Office of Management and Budget "Discount Rates for Cost-effective
Analysis of Federal Programs" Federal Register, Vol. 60,
No. 33, 17 Feb. 1995.
- Army Corps of Engineers "Port Series", various dates
of issue.
- Pilsch, Martin C. Jr. "National Waterborne Passenger
Transportation Data Base", FTA-MA-06-0197, Jan. 1995.
- U.S. Coast Guard NPRM Evaluation for "Small Passenger
Vessel Inspection and Certification", 1989.
- U.S. Treasury Department "Merchant Fleet Statistics",
1940, 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960, & 1965.
- Water Resources Support Center, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
"Waterborne Transportation Lines of the United States",
1990 & 1993.
- Coppens et al "Development of a Level Change System for
Federally Subsidized Vessels", Transport Canada publication
#TP10376E, March 1990.
- Christian, Patrick, Casco Bay Island Transit District "Impact
of the Americans with Disabilities Act on Casco Bay Lines",
October, 1995, unpublished at time of report.
- Dyer, Michael G., Volpe National Transportation Systems Center,
U.S. Department of Transportation "Passenger Vessel Damage
Stability Study for 1990 Safety of Life at Sea Amendments",
USCG-M-1-94-1, DOT-VNTSC-CG-94-5.1, September, 1994.