Department of Transportation: Federal Highway Administration

Integrated Corridor Management Initiative – ICMS Surveillance and Detection Needs Analysis for the Transit Data Gap

APPENDIX B – Bibliography

The following documents contain additional information pertaining to this project or have been referenced within this document:

1.    Alexiadis, Vassili. Integrated Corridor Management Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (AMS) Methodology. Washington DC:  ITS Joint Program Office, 2008.

2.    Alexiadis, Vassili. Integrated Corridor Management Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation Experimental Plan for the Test Corridor. Washington DC:  ITS Joint Program Office, 2008.

3.    Berkow, Matthew, Robert L. Bertini, John Chee, and Christopher Monsere. Transit Performance Measurement and Arterial Travel Time Estimation Using Archived AVL Data. Portland, OR, 2007.

4.    Bhavsar, Parth, Mashur A. Chowdhury, Adel W. Sadek, Wayne A. Sarasua and Jennifer Harper Ogle. “Decision Support System for Predicting Traffic Diversion Impact Across Transportation Networks Using Support Vector Regression.” Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2024 (2007):100-106.

5.    Bockelman, Alix. Transit Performance Standards Commission Workshop. San Francisco:  Bay Area Metropolitan Transportation Commission, 2006

6.    PATH: University of California Berkeley, CCIT:  University of California Berkeley, Cambridge Systematics, DKS Associates, Kimley-Horn and Associates, System Metrics Group. Interstate 880 Integrated Corridor Management (Oakland, California) Final System Requirements. Washington DC:  U.S. Department of Transportation, 2008.

7.    PATH:  University of California Berkeley, CCIT:  University of California Berkeley, Cambridge Systematics, DKS Associates, Kimley-Horn and Associates, System Metrics Group. Interstate 880 Integrated Corridor Management (Oakland, California) Final Concept of Operations. Washington DC:  U.S. Department of Transportation, 2008.

8.    Cambridge Systematics, PB Consult, and Texas Transportation Institute. NCHRP Report 551:  Performance Measures and Targets for Transportation Asset Management. Washington, DC:  Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, 2006.

9.    Crowder, Michelle and C. Michael Walton. Developing an Intelligent Parking System for the University of Texas at Austin. College Station, TX:  Texas A&M University System, 2003.

10.  Dallas Area Rapid Transit. Concept of Operations for the U.S.-75 integrated Corridor in Dallas, TX. Washington DC:  U.S. Department of Transportation, 2008.

11.  Dallas Area Rapid Transit. High Level Requirements for the U.S.-75 integrated Corridor in Dallas, TX. Washington DC:  U.S. Department of Transportation, 2008.

12.  El-Geneidy, Ahmed, Jessica Horning, and Kevin J. Krizek. Using Archived ITS Data to Improve Transit Performance and Management. St. Paul:  Minnesota Department of Transportation, 2007.

13.  Federal Transit Administration. “Performance Measurement.” United States Department of Transportation:  Federal Transit Administration. (accessed June, 6, 2008).

14.  Furth, Peter G., Brendon Hemily, Theo H.J. Muller, and James G. Strathman. “Using Archived AVL-APC Data to Improve Transit Performance and Management.” Transportation Research Board. (accessed June 6, 2008).

15.  Gordon, Robert L. and Warren Tighe. Traffic Control Systems Handbook. Washington, DC:  Federal Highway Administration, 2005.

16.  Hansen, Mark, Mohammad Qureshi, and Daniel Rydzewski. Improving Transit Performance With Advanced Public Transportation System Technologies. Berkeley:  California Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH), 1994

17.  Hill, C., and S. Mortenson. “Transit Data Gaps – Initial Training Workshop.” Presentation, APTA 2008 Bus & Paratransit Conference & International Bus Roadeo, Austin, TX, May 6, 2008.

18.  “Identifying Transit Benefits via the Transit Performance Monitoring System(TPMS).”American Public Transportation Association. (accessed May 28, 2008).

19.  Integrated Corridor Management, Phase 1 – Concept Development and Foundational Research, Task 2.4 – ICMS Requirements for the Generic Corridor (Addendum to the Generic Concept of Operations). Washington DC, 2006.

20.  Integrated Corridor Management, Phase 1 – Concept Development and Foundational Research, Task 5.4 – Identify ICM Approaches and Strategy, Asset Needs and Integration Issues. Washington, DC,2006.

21.  Lem, Lewison L., Jian-Ling Li, and Martin Wachs. Comprehensive Transit Performance Indicators. Working Paper, UCTC No. 225. Berkeley:  University of California at Berkeley, 1994.

22.  Maryland Department of Transportation. Integrated Corridor Management Program – Maryland I‑270 Corridor – System Requirements Specification – Stage 1 Final. Washington DC:  U.S. Department of Transportation, 2008

23.  Maryland Department of Transportation. Integrated Corridor Management Program – Maryland I‑270 Corridor – Concept of Operations – Stage 1 Final. Washington DC:  U.S. Department of Transportation, 2008

24.  McCord, M. Project Management Plan, Intelligent Transportation Systems Pilot Project. Columbus, OH, 2007.

25.  McCord, M., P. Goel, R. Mishalani, and B. Coifman. Transit ITS Pilot Research Project Quarterly Progress Report. Columbus, OH, 2008.

26.  Minnesota Department of Transportation. Minnesota – I‑394 Corridor Integrated Corridor Management – Concept of Operations – Final. St. Paul:  Minnesota Department of Transportation, 2008.

27.  Minnesota Department of Transportation. Minnesota – I‑394 Corridor Integrated Corridor Management System (ICMS) – System Requirement Specification. St. Paul:  Minnesota Department of Transportation, 2008.

28.  Mixon/Hill. “Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Initiative:  ICM Surveillance and Detection:  Transit Data Gap Workshop.” Meeting notes, APTA 2008 Bus & Paratransit Conference & International Bus Roadeo, Austin, TX, May 6, 2008.

29.  Mixon/Hill. Integrated Corridor Management Technical Integration, ICMS Surveillance and Detection Needs Analysis. Overland Park, KS, 2007.

30.  National Research Council, Transportation Research Board. Highway Capacity Manual 3rd Edition. Washington, DC:  TRB Publications, 1985.

31.  Neudorff, L., J. Harding, and L. Englisher. Integrated Corridor Management, Concept Development and Foundational Research, Task 2.3 – ICMS Concept of Operations for a Generic Corridor.

32.  Neudorff, L., J. Harding, and L. Englisher. Integrated Corridor Management, Phase 1 – Concept Development and Foundational Research, Task 2.5 – ICM Implementation Guidance. Washington, DC, 2006.

33.  “Notes and Meeting Summary.” Analysis Modeling & Simulation Focus Group. 2006

34.  Rephlo, J., R. Haas, L. Feast, and D. Newton. Evaluation of Transit Applications of Advanced Parking Management Systems – Final Evaluation Report. Washington, DC, 2008.

35.  Ryus, P. A Summary of TCRP Report 88:  A Guidebook for Developing a Transit Performance-Measurement System. Washington, DC:  Transportation Research Board, 2003.

36.  San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG). San Diego I‑15 Integrated Corridor Management System – Final I‑15 ICM System Requirements. San Diego, CA:  SANDAG, 2008

37.  San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG). San Diego I‑15 Integrated Corridor Management System – Final Concept of Operations. San Diego, CA:  SANDAG, 2008.

38.  Science Applications International Corporation. Automated Vehicle Identification Tags In San Antonio:  Lessons Learned from the Metropolitan Model Deployment Initiative:  Unique Method For Collecting Arterial Travel Speed Information. McLean, VA:  SAIC, 2000.

39.  Southwest Research Institute. TransGuide™ Integrated Corridor Management Requirements Specification Document – Version 1.0.0. San Antonio:  Texas Department of Transportation, 2008.

40.  Southwest Research Institute. TransGuide™ Integrated Corridor Management Concept of Operations – Version 1.0.2. San Antonio:  Texas Department of Transportation, 2008.

41.  “System Performance – Transit Performance Measures.” Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization. (accessed May 28, 2008, page has since been moved or deleted).

42.  Urbitran Associates. “TCRP Web-only Document 34:  Developing Guidelines for Evaluating, Selecting, and Implementing Suburban Transit Services.” Transportation Research Board. (accessed June 9, 2008, page has since been moved or deleted).

43.  Washington State Department of Transportation. Seattle ICMS Concept of Operations. Seattle:  Washington State Department of Transportation, 2007.

44.  Washington State Department of Transportation. Seattle ICMS Requirements. Seattle:  Washington State Department of Transportation, 2008.

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