transmission mount was 350 mm forward of the impact location. When contact was made with the transmission mount, the transmission housing fractured, releasing transmission fluid onto the runway. As the C-shape frame rail deflected, one leg of the C-shape ripped a hole in the fuel tank located on the left side of the vehicle and inboard of the frame rail. The static intrusion into the occupant compartment was calculated by measuring the interior distance between the doors before and after the test. The static intrusion was 500 mm.
Damage to the pickup truck was extensive. The driver door caved, the B-pillar was drawn inward, the windshield shattered, the dash and bench seat buckled, the left frame rail bent, and the fuel tank was punctured. The two doors remained latched during the test. The peak c.g. acceleration recorded was 17.1 gs (334,600 N) and occurred 0.0724 s after impact. Table 8 lists the positive and negative peak accelerations from each vehicle accelerometer.
Maximum positive (gs)
Maximum negative (gs)
C.g. accelerometer Ax, primary 9.9
C.g. accelerometer Ay, primary 1.9
C.g. accelerometer Az, primary 15.3
C.g. accelerometer Ay, redundant 2.0
Engine block, Ax 3.6
Engine block, Ay 2.1
Driver seat, Ay 34.3
Right lower sill, Ay 35.6
Right roof rail, Ay 6.0
Driver door-beam, Ay No data
Longitudinal frame member, Ay 187.6
Transmission mount, Ay 41.7
Bed cross member #1, Ay 39.3
Bed cross member #2 Ay 4.3
Bed cross member #3 Ay 6.5
Rear bumper, Ax 18.7
Rear bumper, Ay 14.6