Introduction |
After the agency has defined the specification and developed the
corresponding project-specific preconstruction output, the agency may then
use the developed specification for acceptance. PRS-related contractor pay
adjustments are then determined based on the actual samples taken from the
as-constructed pavement lot (in accordance with the agency-defined AQC
acceptance sampling and testing plan). This chapter describes the
procedures to be used by an agency to determine Level 1 or Level 2 pay
adjustments for a given as-constructed pavement lot.
Step 1: Dividing
the As-Constructed Pavement Lot into
Sublots |
To judge the quality of the as-constructed in-place pavement lot, the
agency must conduct sampling and testing in accordance with the previously
chosen acceptance sampling and testing plan. (Note: The defined acceptance
sampling and testing plan is determined in accordance with the guidelines
presented in the section titled Selecting an
AQC Acceptance Sampling and Testing Plan, in chapter 5 of this
volume.) As a first step in the sampling of the pavement, the pavement lot
is divided into sublots. Prior to the placement of any paving for the
given lot, the agency must estimate the starting and ending stations of
all of the sublots expected to be paved within that lot. These specific
stations are determined by assuming sublot lengths equal to the chosen
target sublot length (the target sublot length is determined in
accordance with the guidelines presented in the section titled Selecting an
Appropriate Target Sublot Length, in chapter 5 of this volume). An
appropriate number of expected sublots are defined so that sublots are
defined well past the expected lot length (see the section titled Definition of Lots
and Sublots in chapter 5 of this volume).
Step 2:
Determining the As-Constructed Acceptance Sampling
Locations |
The estimated sublot starting and ending stations allow the agency to
determine random sampling locations prior to the placement of any pavement
within the lot. For each AQC, the appropriate number of random sampling
locations per sublot is identified by the agency in accordance with the
guidelines presented in the section titled Recommended
Number of AQC Samples Per Sublot, in chapter 5 of this volume.
(Note: The chosen AQC sample types determine what sampling locations are
required.) Specific sample locations are, therefore, determined based on
the agency-chosen sample specimen types and in accordance with the
guidelines presented in the section titled Selection of Random
Sampling Locations, in chapter 5 of this volume.
Step 3: Conducting
Lot Acceptance Sampling and
Testing |
Once the paving begins for a given lot, the actual sublot lengths are
determined in accordance with the guidelines presented in the section
titled Determining
Actual Sublot Lengths in the Field, in chapter 5 of this volume.
The appropriate sample specimens are taken at the random sample locations
identified in the previous step. If replicate samples are taken at a given
sampling location (e.g., three cylinders molded from a batch of concrete
taken from one randomly selected longitudinal sample location), the
replicate sample specimen testing values are averaged to give one AQC
testing value representing the sample location. These sample location
representative testing values are used to define the quality of the
pavement lot.
Step 4:
Determining the Overall Lot Pay
Factor |
The procedures used to determine an overall lot pay factor differ for
Level 1 and Level 2 specifications. The Level 1 overall lot pay factor is
computed using a chosen composite pay factor equation, while the Level 2
pay factor is based on a direct comparison of the simulated as-designed
LCC mean and the estimated as-constructed LCC. The details of both of
these procedures are described separately below.
1—Determining the Overall Level 1 Lot CPF
If the Level 1 procedure is used to calculate the pay adjustment, the
following steps apply:
Summarizing the As-Constructed AQC
Acceptance Data for the Lot
The first step in calculating a
Level 1 lot pay adjustment requires that the measured as-constructed AQC
acceptance data be summarized for the entire lot. Therefore, all of the
representative testing values (representing every sample location
within the lot—all sublots are included) are summarized into one lot mean
and unbiased standard deviation for each AQC. These AQC lot means and
unbiased standard deviations are then used in the developed individual AQC
pay factor curves and equations.
Computing the Individual Pay
Factors for Each AQC
Individual pay factors are determined
independently for each AQC based on the respective lot means and unbiased
standard deviations computed in the previous section. For each AQC, the
representative lot mean and unbiased standard deviation is used in the
following step-by-step procedure to determine individual AQC Level 1 pay
- Compute the representative as-constructed AQC lot mean and unbiased
sample standard deviation.
- Identify the two regression equations that surround the AQC
lot unbiased standard deviation. For example, if the AQC lot unbiased
standard deviation for strength is 0.48 MPa, and regression equations
have been developed for the cases of 0.00, 0.45, and 0.90 MPa, then the
two equations surrounding the AQC lot unbiased standard deviation would
be those represented by the 0.45 and 0.90 MPa.
If the AQC lot unbiased standard deviation exactly matches
one of the standard deviations used in the development of the
regression equations, then that matching regression equation is used
in step b. If the AQC lot unbiased standard deviation is larger or
smaller than any of the standard deviations used to simulate the
individual AQC pay factor curves, the agency must choose one of the
following methods for acceptance.
- Choose the simulated AQC pay factor curve closest to the AQC
lot unbiased standard deviation—i.e., if the AQC lot unbiased
standard deviation for strength is 1.00 MPa, and regression
equations had been developed for the cases of 0, 0.45, and 0.90 MPa
only, the agency could choose to estimate the corresponding pay
factor using the pay factor equation representing the closest
standard deviation. Therefore, since 1.00 MPa is closest to 0.90
MPa, the pay factor equation developed for the case of standard
deviation equal to 0.90 MPa would be used.
- Resimulate a pay factor regression equation for the case of
the AQC lot unbiased standard deviation—i.e., if the AQC lot
unbiased standard deviation for strength is 1.00 MPa, and regression
equations had been developed for the cases of 0, 0.45, and 0.90 MPa
only, the agency could choose to resimulate a pay factor equation
for the case where the standard deviation is equal to 1.00
- Use the computed AQC lot mean in the one or two pay factor
regression equations (identified in step b) to compute respective pay
factors. If only one governing pay factor equation is identified under
step b, then the computed pay factor (using that single equation)
represents the individual AQC pay factor for the lot. If two pay factors
are computed (one each using the two surrounding pay factor regression
equations), then the individual AQC pay factor representing the lot must
be determined using the interpolation procedures outlined in step
- Use the AQC lot unbiased standard deviation to interpolate between
the independent pay factors determined using the two surrounding pay
factor regression equations. The interpolated pay factor is then used to
represent the individual AQC pay factor for the lot. The representative
lot pay factor is then interpolated using equation 22.
AQC-PFLOT = Representative individual AQC
pay factor, percent.
PFHIGH = Individual AQC
pay factor (for measured AQC lot mean) determined using the pay factor
equation based on the larger of the two surrounding standard deviation
values, percent.
PFLOW = Individual AQC pay
factor (for measured AQC lot mean) determined using the pay factor
equation based on the smaller of the two surroundingstandard deviation
values, percent.
SDHIGH = Larger of the two
surrounding standard deviation
SDLOW = Smaller of the two
surrounding standard deviation
SDUNB = Computed AQC lot unbiased
sample standard deviation.
- Any agency-identified pay factor limits may be applied to the Level
1 individual AQC pay factors. The limited pay factors, therefore, become
the representative AQC pay factors used to compute the overall lot CPF.
Individual AQC pay factor limits shall be selected in accordance with
the guidelines presented in the section titled Selecting
Pay Factor Limits, in chapter 6.
Finally, this procedure is repeated so that representative individual
AQC pay factors are determined for each AQC included in the
Computing the Level 1 Lot CPF
Level 1, the overall lot CPF is calculated using the specific CPF equation
determined by the agency in accordance with the guidelines presented in
the section titled Defining a
Level 1 Composite Pay Factor Equation, in chapter 6. Just as with
the individual AQC pay factors, the agency has the option to apply pay
factor limits to the computed lot CPF. The limited CPF, therefore, is the
representative CPF used to compute the overall lot pay adjustment. Any
such lot CPF pay factor limits shall be selected in accordance with the
guidelines presented in the section titled Selecting
Pay Factor Limits, in chapter 6.
2—Determining the Overall Level 2 Lot Pay Factor
If the Level 2 procedure is used to calculate the pay adjustment, the
following steps apply:
Summarizing the As-Constructed AQC
Acceptance Data for Each Sublot
The first step in calculating
the Level 2 lot pay adjustment requires that the measured as-constructed
AQC representative testing values be summarized for each sublot
independently. The means of these AQC testing values are computed for each
sublot and are then used to define the as-constructed quality of the
pavement lot in the PaveSpec 2.0 software. The future performance and
corresponding lot LCC's (over the agency-chosen analysis period) related
to the computed AQC sublot means are determined using the PaveSpec 2.0
software. The total PW value of the predicted lot LCC's
(LCCCON) is used as the overall measure of quality for the
as-constructed lot. The overall Level 2 lot pay factor is then computed as
a function of this LCCCON, the simulated as-designed LCC
(LCCDES), and the actual contractor bid price
(BIDCONTRACTOR) using equation 3 in
chapter 3.
As with the Level 1 CPF, the agency has the option to
apply pay factor limits to the computed overall Level 2 lot pay factor.
The limited lot pay factor, therefore, is the representative pay factor
used to compute the overall lot pay adjustment. Any such lot pay factor
limits shall be selected in accordance with the guidelines presented in
the section titled Selecting
Pay Factor Limits, in chapter 6.
Step 5: Computing
the Lot Pay Adjustment |
The total payment to the contractor for the as-constructed lot may be
determined using equation 23.
Contractor Lot Payment = BIDCONTRACTOR *
Contractor Lot Payment = Adjusted payment paid to the
contractor for the as-constructed lot,
BIDCONTRACTOR = Actual contractor bid price,
PFLOT = Representative overall pay factor
for the as-constructed lot, percent. (Note: This is either the Level 1
lot CPF, or the Level 2 overall lot pay factor. This pay factor will
take into account any pay factor limits identified by the
LOTLENGTH = Measured actual as-constructed
lot length, km. |