Under this research project, the prototype PRS (developed under
previous FHWA research) was revised and expanded to make it more
practical.(1,2,3) Different implementation
levels of the PRS were defined (Levels 1, 2, and 3), with the simplified
PRS (Level 1) designed to be immediately implementable. This report
(four volumes) was offered as a practical guide to using the revised
prototype PRS (included as appendix A in this volume) for the acceptance
of JPCP lots. It discussed all aspects of the research, including
the step-by-step procedures for developing and using the PRS, results of
demonstrations of the PRS methodology (see volume II), explanations of
supplementary laboratory and field studies (see volume III), and the user
guide for the revised PaveSpec 2.0 PRS demonstration software (see volume
IV). Based on the research conducted under this project, the
following conclusions and recommendations have been compiled.
Conclusions |
- The PRS that have been developed for JPCP highways are based on
sound economic, engineering, and statistical concepts. The PRS
have been field tested in several projects as shadow specifications, and
reasonable results were obtained from these projects, as documented in
appendix B (volume II) of this report.
The PRS are now ready for the next step of implementation in an actual
field situation where contractor pay is under the PRS.
- Implementation of the PRS for JPCP will require: (1) the tailoring
of the PRS to the project and obtaining of many inputs and decision
criteria and (2) adequate training of both SHA and contractor staff in
PRS concepts and applications.
- The PRS for JPCP are specifications on key material and construction
AQC’s that have been shown to correlate significantly with the
performance of the pavement. Through the use of PRS, a
methodology is provided by which the quality of pavement construction
can be related to the performance of the pavement and then to LCC’s.
Thus, rational contractor pay adjustments can be made for each
constructed lot.
- PRS have the capability to identify an optimum level of construction
quality that would minimize overall LCC’s, yet still meet performance
requirements. Selection of target quality levels of AQC’s (means
and standard deviations) and other factors in the PRS are required by
- The PRS are driven by key distress indicators that control
performance and, hence, the LCC of the pavement. For JPCP, these
include transverse cracking of the slab, joint faulting, joint spalling
of the slab, and pavement smoothness.
- Based on the key JPCP distress indicators, the following AQC’s were
selected for use in the PRS: concrete strength, air content,
consolidation around the dowel bars, slab thickness, and initial
smoothness. The PRS can include any or all of these AQC’s.
- Both the mean value and the within-lot variability of each of the
AQC’s are considered in computing the contractor pay factor.
- Three different specification levels (simply titled Level 1,
Level 2, and Level 3) were developed to aid in the
implementation process. Level 1 is fully implementable and
utilizes current SHA test procedures for AQC’s and simplified contractor
pay factor computation procedures. Pay factors computed using
Level 1 are designed to closely estimate those obtained from the more
accurate simulation conducted under Level 2. Level 3 is a
futuristic concept where all testing is nondestructive and rapid.
- Future LCC’s of the pavement are predicted, discounted, and summed
as a present worth. LCC’s include both M & R costs to the agency, as
well as certain highway user costs based on pavement roughness. If
these as-constructed pavement lot results indicate an increase or
decrease in performance over that of the target as-designed pavement
lot, appropriate pay adjustments are made.
- The simulated field trials made it clear that practical limitations
must be placed on contractor pay factors. These limits are placed
both on pay factors for individual AQC’s and on the overall lot pay
- A comprehensive laboratory/field investigation of concrete material-
and construction-related variables was conducted and results were
documented. This included the following:
- Concrete strength testing (relationships between flexural and
compressive strength and other tests, maturity methods, and the
prediction of 28-day strengths from early age strengths at 3 to 5
- An investigation of testing and construction
- Correlation of concrete consolidation at dowels
and measured load transfer.
- The Level 1 PRS were demonstrated by developing pay factor charts
representing typical JPCP designs in a chosen SHA (Iowa). The
three typical designs were chosen based on medium, heavy, and very heavy
traffic levels. Three general trends observed from the exercise
- Pay factors increased as the quality of the measured AQC mean
- At a given AQC mean, pay factors increased as the measured
AQC standard deviation decreased.
- Pay factor curves generally became flatter as traffic
level increased.
A complete summary of these results is included in appendix B (volume
- The PaveSpec 2.0 PRS demonstration software is an integral part of
the revised PRS approach, and is used in combination with the developed
practical guide (volume I) to develop PRS. The PaveSpec 2.0
software provides user-friendly capabilities for simulating a lot.
These include the simulation of the construction of a lot, sampling and
testing, performance prediction, LCC summation, and computation of pay
factors. The PaveSpec 2.0 software is an invaluable tool for
demonstrating and clarifying the revised PRS concepts.
Recommendations |
- The PRS are now ready for field implementation where contractor pay
depends on the PRS. Successful implementation by a SHA will
require considerable preparation of the PRS, along with significant
training of the agency and contractor personnel.
- The PRS are expected to lead to higher quality construction,
improved performance, and lower LCC’s. The main reason for this is
the inclusion of several key AQC’s (concrete strength, slab thickness,
entrained air content, initial smoothness, and percent consolidation
around dowel bars) with incentive/ disincentive pay factors. The
rational computation of these contractor pay factors for each AQC and
the overall constructed lot should give agencies support for
implementing a PRS.
- Each SHA wishing to implement PRS for JPCP must tailor the
specifications and pay computation procedure to local project
conditions. This includes the following: model calibration; AQC’s;
target means and variability; pay factor limits; AQC limits; sample
size; selection of key distress indicators; selection of tests for each
AQC; field management of sampling and testing, and computation of pay
factors; M & R plan; and procedures to choose trigger values for
- The PRS can be utilized to optimize design by helping to select AQC
values that lower LCC’s while still meeting performance
requirements. Very little work has been done in this regard to
date, and much more is needed to fully demonstrate the value of PRS.
- Many improvements to the existing PRS for JPCP are still
needed. The implementation of PRS will be a major effort, and
limitations will certainly develop. These must be overcome with
further research and development. Following are some specific
areas of further development and improvements that are needed for PRS
for concrete pavements:
- Improved user cost models are clearly needed in PRS. The
existing user cost models need updating and do not include traffic
delay costs from lane closures for M & R.
- Improved distress and roughness prediction models are
needed. Those in PaveSpec 2.0 are the best available at this
time, but they certainly could be improved upon given the extent of
LTPP data now available.
- Additional AQC’s could be included to make PRS more
comprehensive. These could include joint sawing depth, surface
texture, concrete mixture components (cement, aggregates, etc.), and
improved ways to measure early strength. In addition, inclusion
of base course quality, subgrade quality, and shoulders would be
valuable to PRS.
- Additional pavement types: continuously reinforced
concrete pavement, jointed reinforced concrete pavement, and unbonded
concrete overlays.
- Development of more rapid, nondestructive testing for
concrete strength measurement.
- Additional work is needed in developing and improving the PRS for
Levels 2 and 3. Level 2 requires the running of simulations to
compute a lot pay factor. While this provides a correct pay
factor, it is a "black box" to the agency and contractor. Level 3
needs more rapid nondestructive tests on the in situ pavement lot.
- Use of pavement management system (PMS) data support PRS
implementation. Such aspects as calibration of distress models,
validation of distress models, and validation and improvement of M &
R life-cycle costing are important.
- After the conduct of initial implementation projects, there will be
a need to better investigate the benefits of PRS as compared to
conventional QA/QC specifications.
- Finally, considerable training in PRS concepts and practice will be
needed for SHA, contractor, and industry personnel.