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This section is tailored for researchers, transportation engineers and planners, health and education professionals and others who work in the field of highway safety. This section is currently under construction. If you don't find what you're looking for here, please look in Public Information.

Human Factors focuses on the full range of human-centered issues involved in the effective design and operation of modern, multi-modal transportation systems. Such issues range from the analysis of driver behavior, to the evaluation of manpower/personnel requirements associated with the operation of advanced traffic management centers, to the development and effective use of real time traffic data, to the evaluation of new Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) concepts, to the use of 3D/4D visual simulation technologies as a means to improve the collaborative nature of public involvement and system design. This section also includes reference to HSRC work in the area of commercial motor vehicle safety.

Evaluation of the On-Road Behavior of 16-Foot Wide Mobile Homes in North Carolina - In 1997, the NC Department of Transportation contracted with the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center to evaluate the on-road behavior of 16-ft wide mobile homes and their impact on surrounding traffic as compared to the 14-ft wide units.

Links provided to other research centers, government and private organizations, and other related associations.