4. System Conception
The system conception stage consists of two major activities:
- Needs Analysis. This focuses on determining how the corridor should operate relative to how it operates today. As noted in Chapter 2, the identification and analysis of corridor needs is a continuing and iterative process, starting at a high level (mostly qualitative) and moving through subsequent levels of greater detail, quantitative analyses, and refinement. The corridor needs are identified from discussions with stakeholders coupled with the results of analytical evaluations. This is a multi-layered process that can include identification of current performance deficiencies, identification of the operational performance envisioned by stakeholders, conducting an inventory of current and near-term corridor capabilities and assets. and the identification and the identification of any missing assets needed to implement the proposed ICMS. This needs assessment should include operational, institutional, and technical integration considerations along with potential constraints (funding, staffing availability, schedule, facilities).
- Operational Concept. The ICMS concept explains how things are expected to work once the ICM program and system is in operation and identifies the responsibilities of the various stakeholders for making this happen. The ICM approaches and strategies are identified. These consist of those services that can be applied to the corridor to improve the efficiency, throughput, safety, and convenience of the corridor networks through better information, coordination of network junctions, pro-active management of capacity and demand, advanced technologies and systems, and improved institutional frameworks. These services are defined at a very high level and then prioritized based on the corridor needs. Other considerations include corridor vision and goals, alignment with any regional ITS architecture, and corridor-wide performance measures.
Some of the key questions that must be addressed during this stage are identified in Table 4-1 (modified from Systems Engineering Reference 1).The results are then documented in a Concept of Operations, a formal document that provides a user-oriented view of the Integrated Corridor Management concept and any associated ICM Systems. It is developed to help communicate this view to the corridor stakeholders and to solicit their feedback.
Needs Analysis |
Concept of Operations |
Inventory Exisitng Systems/Data Collection
This process step includes several activities, including:
- Developing an inventory of the existing network-specific transportation management and ITS-based assets, along with any transportation management or ITS improvements that are likely to be implemented on networks within the corridor in the next few years.
- Gathering data that describes the corridor and its operation, including all the networks and cross-network connections within the corridor.
- Reviewing the regional ITS architecture in which the Integrated Corridor Management System will function.
The process of developing a corridor inventory begins with collecting existing information from a variety of sources, including the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), the Long Range Transportation Plan, the Regional ITS Architecture, any network-specific ITS plan outreach materials, and operational procedures. The inventory should identify each asset — including transportation management centers, roadside and transit systems (e.g., field devices and communications networks), traveler information systems, and other ITS attributes — and provide a brief description that explains the attributes of each asset (e.g., associated organization or network, existing or planned, functionality, standards used). The inclusion of future improvements in the corridor inventory is important because they may factor into the development of an ICMS.
In addition to the technical assets, the inventory should also address the current operational procedures and institutional framework within the corridor. Examples of this information include the following:
- Inter-agency relationships and organizational approaches, including agency-specific responsibilities, during various scenarios (e.g., recurring congestion, incident / outage, special event, emergency), plus any additional mechanisms that have been established to enhance inter-agency coordination.
- Information shared between agencies, and in what manner.
- Operational procedures and response plans.
- Network-specific performance measures.
- Policies and procedures for the dissemination of traveler information, including linkages to the media and other Information Service Providers.
- Hours of operation and associated staffing.
- Marketing and outreach programs.
- Existing inter-agency agreements.
The initial inventory should be reviewed with appropriate stakeholders to verify its accuracy and to collect additional inventory information.
Physical and Operational Data
Information on the physical attributes and operations of the corridor are necessary to identify needs, refine the boundaries, and select the most appropriate ICM strategies. Information and data in this regard may include the following:
- Operating capacity of each network within the corridor (e.g., number and width of roadway lanes, headways and capacity of transit vehicles including local and express service).
- Location and capacity of cross-network connections.
- Location and capacity of network junctions and interfaces (e.g., ramps, transit stations, parking lots, toll facilities).
- Major traffic generators (i.e., origins and destinations) serviced by the corridor.
- New infrastructure and generators planned for the future.
- Primary travel markets served by the corridor (e.g., commuters, goods and freight movement, shopping, tourism, recurring events, combination), and how that may vary by time of day, day of week, or period of year.
- Current and future projections of demand and usage for the individual corridor networks and cross-network linkages or junctions (e.g., roadway volumes by vehicle type, transit passenger boardings, variations by time of day, day of week, period of year).1
- Type and frequency of events that can impact corridor operations (e.g., roadway incidents and crashes, transit incidents and outages, evacuations, weather, major special events).
Regional ITS Architecture
As noted above, one of the sources for inventory information is the Regional ITS Architecture. It is generally assumed that the corridor(s) in question will be part of a larger region for which a Regional ITS Architecture has been developed in accordance with FHWA Rule 9402 (Reference 7) and the associated FTA Ruling (FTA National ITS Architecture Policy Section 5.d.6).
Integrated corridor management builds upon regional management; in this context, an ICMS may be considered a "sub-regional architecture." As such, the development of an Integrated Corridor Management System (and the ICMS architecture) should be compatible and consistent with the regional ITS architecture, which requires an understanding of the various attributes that comprise the regional architecture and the associated management functions. Moreover, the regional ITS architecture may be very useful in developing the corridor management concept and resolving various operational, institutional, and technical issues. For example:
- The regional ITS architecture development process may serve as a key enabler in identifying the appropriate stakeholders, establishing champions, and initiating the institutional relationships that will sustain integrated corridor management.
- The system inventory and operational concepts developed during the regional ITS architecture development process may serve as a template and information source for the ICMS inventory of systems and concept of operations.
- In the event that attributes of the regional ITS architecture have already been (or will soon be implemented), the ICMS should incorporate and build upon these regional elements to the greatest extent possible. In other words, an ICMS should not "re-invent the wheel."
While any integrated corridor management system must be compatible and consistent with the regional ITS architecture, it must be emphasized that corridor management and regional management are not the same thing. The major differences lie in their size and how their respective boundaries are defined, the extent to which individual network operations (and the cross network linkages and junctions) within a corridor are integrated together, and how this integrated corridor is managed and evaluated on a day-to-day basis. Similarities and parallels exist between regional and corridor management with respect to institutional integration (i.e., the coordination and collaboration between network owners and operators) and technical integration (i.e., communications links, interfaces, standards, etc. to support information sharing), but due to the enhanced and expanded operational features of corridor management, additional institutional and technical integration may be required within a corridor as compared to regional management. The differences and similarities between regional and corridor management in terms of their respective integration needs are summarized in Table 4-2.
Attribute | Region | Corridor |
Facility Types | Includes all surface transportation facilities such as streets, bridges, tunnels, transit routes, airports, ports, etc. | Several if not all of the facility types in a region. The corridor-specific facilities are distinguished by the fact that they serve the same or similar travel markets, are adjacent, and are readily accessible from each other. |
Boundaries | Geographically defined (e.g., jurisdictional and agency boundaries, MPO) | No predefined size or scale. Operationally defined (travel markets and mobility needs, travel patterns, adjacent networks and cross-network linkages). In the context of the ICM Initiative, a region is comprised of several corridors (i.e., a corridor is a sub-set of the region) |
Stakeholders | Agencies that manage and operate the transportation facilities. Also includes other agencies that are involved with these facilities or have an interest in regional transportation issues (e.g., law enforcement, emergency service providers, MPO). | Many if not all of the same regional stakeholders. No additional stakeholders (required by corridor management; but not for regional management); although the relative interest and involvement by stakeholders, and the actual stakeholder representatives, may differ. |
Institutional | Crosses geographic, political and institutional boundaries. | Crosses geographic, political and institutional boundaries; though likely less than within the region. |
Operational Focus | In general, information sharing and coordination of agencies that operate the various networks within the region, supporting regional management of individual network activities. | Builds upon regional information sharing and coordination to provide integrated operations along the various corridors within the region. This includes operational integration of adjacent networks and cross-network linkages on a daily basis (e.g., accommodating or promoting cross-network shifts, balancing the capacity-demand relationship). |
Performance Focus | Network-based measurements (freeway, arterial, bus, rail). Indirect relationship to customer/user performance. | Common measurements across corridor networks. Direct relationship to customer/user performance. |
Technical Focus | Regional ITS Architecture to support information sharing and regional coordination. | ICMS builds upon the regional ITS architecture, but may have additional information sharing requirements (e.g., command and control, response plan details) |
Current Corridor Conditions, Problems, And Needs
Before corridor goals and objectives can be established and the associated ICM approaches and strategies prioritized, the problems within the corridor and the needs of the stakeholders must be understood. Using the inventory information and data gathered from the previous activity, coupled with stakeholder discussions, the corridor needs are identified and documented. This effort should include operational, technical, and, institutional deficiencies and constraints, thereby providing insight as to the types of problems being faced in the corridor, and leading to a conclusion as to the overall potential of applying ICM to the corridor.
Stakeholders represent a major and important source for identifying and defining corridor issues, needs, and constraints. Their input should be elicited via interviews and/or workshops. The results should then be consolidated and edited, combining similar issues (i.e., repetitions of the same need and/or issue) and eliminating any issues and needs that are not relevant to the management and operation of the corridor. It may also be worthwhile to categorize and summarize the resulting list by the different types of corridor integration. For example, operational, including specific scenarios (e.g., incident management, traveler information, emergencies) and related concerns; technical (e.g., standards, field devices); institutional (e.g., coordination, procedures, organization, decision making); and any cross-cutting issues and needs.
An analysis of the gathered data should provide quantitative measures of the operational issues and needs within the corridor, such as:
- Peak-period travel times and level of service relative to "free flow" conditions.
- Frequency of incidents and outages that cause congestion and delays.
- Impact of trucks and other commercial traffic.
- Schedule adherence for transit.
- Spare capacity within the corridor (by network and by time of day).
- Operational problems and/or gaps in existing ITS-based systems.
- Other constraints (e.g., lack of parking, bottlenecks).
The results of this process (stakeholder elicitation, quantitative analyses) should be presented to the stakeholders for review and comment. A workshop setting may be very beneficial in that it can encourage continuing discussion and feedback until all agree that their and the corridor's needs have been captured. Since generally the needs cannot all be met, and sometimes may even be conflicting, they should be further analyzed (perhaps during the workshop) to identify the highest priority issues and needs on which to focus the ICM program and system.
Corridor Type
A related activity is to identify the corridor "type." ICM Technical Memorandum 5.1-3 discusses several corridor characteristics that may be used to classify corridors and includes a matrix for identifying corridor types and their aspects. In summary, a corridor may be defined by the following characteristics:
- Network Combinations:
- Roadway only (e.g. freeways and / or arterials).
- Roadway with managed lanes (e.g. HOV, reversible) and / or some form of toll facility within the corridor.
- Roadway and transit utilizing roadway right-of-way (e.g. bus and / or light rail).
- Roadway with managed lanes or tolling and transit utilizing roadway ROW.
- Roadway, transit utilizing roadway ROW and transit in separate or exclusive ROW (e.g. subway, elevated rail).
- Roadway with Managed Lanes / Tolling and Transit (In Both Roadway ROW and Separate ROW).
- Other combinations (including waterways).
- Operational Characteristics:
- Type of event or scenario (e.g., roadway incident, transit incident, planned event, evacuation, recurring congestion).
- Duration and severity (e.g., a fender-bender blocking one lane of a freeway will have significantly different operational ICM needs as compared to a multi-vehicle crash (with injuries) blocking several lanes as well as lanes in the opposite direction for emergency response vehicles; similarly, weekend maintenance of track will require significantly different approaches as compared to a transit strike).
- Available spare capacity within the corridor, including adjacent networks and the cross-network linkages or junctions (e.g., if spare capacity is available on other adjacent networks, route and mode shifts may be easier to implement; even if sufficient spare capacity does not exist, such shifts may still be implemented to "share the pain," along with implementing ICM strategies that focus on reducing demand and/or increasing capacity).
Corridor Vision and Goals
The purpose of a vision statement is to portray the future ICM system and its operation for a specific time horizon, providing a platform for establishing goals and objectives. The vision statement must also be simple, easy to read and accessible to a wide audience.
The ICM vision should be developed through an iterative process involving all the corridor stakeholders. Such a consensus building approach is very important for a corridor-based approach to transportation management and operations involving multiple agencies and stakeholders, both public and private. NCHRP Synthesis 337: "Cooperative Agreements for Corridor Management" (Reference 12), stresses the "importance of establishing a shared vision of the corridor and for each party to look at the corridor as a whole-not just from within or outside of the right-of-way (or, more specifically, their individual facilities). The willingness of each party to work toward a common vision and to compromise for mutual benefit can form the basis of a lasting and effective agreement on corridor management."
The corridor goals and objectives are formulated with a view to address the current corridor conditions, deficiencies, and needs, and to help achieve the long-term vision. They also provide the framework for defining ICM approaches and strategies. The differences between goals and objectives may be summarized as follows:
- Goals are broad; objectives are narrow.
- Goals are general intentions; objectives are precise.
- Goals are intangible; objectives are tangible.
- Goals are abstract; objectives are concrete.
- Goals can't be validated as is; objectives can be validated.
The last bullet is very important. Objectives, being more precisely defined than goals and therefore permitting validation, provide a means by which the effectiveness of alternative strategies can be evaluated against a benchmark or each other. They also provide the basis for developing corridor-wide performance measures. In essence, the ICM objectives should be observable (i.e., accomplishment of the objective can be observed, with no doubt as to whether the objective has been met or not) and measurable (i.e., one can state that it was 100 percent accomplished, 50 percent accomplished, etc). At the same time, the objectives should not be to confining; that is, there should be some flexibility to allow for changes in the overall situation. If the objective can only be achieved under optimum conditions, then it is too confining.
Identify Potential ICM Approaches and Strategies
This process step involves an assessment of whether or not Integrated Corridor Management can address the operational deficiencies and needs within the corridor, followed by an identification of the specific ICM approaches and strategies to be implemented, including how they satisfy the corridor's goal and objectives.
An approach can be defined as "the means or method used in dealing with or accomplishing something." Accordingly, an ICM approach may be viewed as the overall method of achieving operational coordination on a corridor-wide basis, as defined and agreed to by the corridor stakeholders. A strategy is a specific plan of action within the broader context of the overall approach, with multiple strategies associated with each approach.
The level of integration (i.e., operational, institutional, technical) required within the corridor will depend greatly on the particular approach and the associated strategies selected by the corridor stakeholders. The affiliated level of network and stakeholder coordination may be viewed as moving along a continuous spectrum, from basic information sharing, to ad hoc relationships built around specific issues or special events, to more formal collaborative relationships with mutually agreed-upon objectives and strategies, and finally joint ownership and control of transportation facilities and services. The following ICM approaches have been defined to identify segments of that integration and coordination spectrum:
- Information sharing and distribution.
- Improve operational efficiency of network junctions and interfaces.
- Accommodate and promote cross-network route and modal shifts.
- Manage capacity, or the demand relationship within corridor, in "real-time" for the short term.
- Manage capacity, or the demand relationship within corridor, for the long term.
Multiple strategies are associated with each approach, as listed in Table 4-3 (with further descriptions provided in Technical Memorandum 5.1-3.). It is emphasized that these strategies focus on the operation of the corridor (comprised of multiple adjacent networks) as a whole, and the cross-network linkages and junctions. Moreover, these ICM approaches and the associated strategies are not mutually exclusive; in fact, they tend to build upon one another and, in some cases, are pre-requisites. For example, information sharing is essential to the success of the other approaches, and promoting cross-network shifts may require capacity (operational) modifications to handle the additional users on alternative networks. Moreover, these ICM approaches may also represent a staged sequence (temporal) to ICM deployment (e.g., starting with information sharing, and then moving on to integrated corridor operations over time).
It is noted that Technical Memorandum 5.1-3 includes several matrices that can be used to match a specific corridor type with the appropriate ICM operational approaches and strategies. This represents only an "initial screening," however; the "final" selection of ICM strategies can only come from a consensus by the stakeholders after cooperative identification and analysis of the specific needs for improving travel in the corridor. Moreover, it is very important to map (i.e., make "traceable") each selected ICM strategy to the corridor goal(s) and objective(s) and to the corresponding need(s) it addresses.
Information Sharing/Distribution
Refine Corridor Boundaries
This step represents a more quantitative analysis for delineating the corridor boundaries. It builds upon the initial boundaries identified as part of the concept exploration stage, taking into account the information gathered during the system conception stage (e.g., inventory of existing systems and network characteristics, identification of current operational conditions and deficiencies, needs analysis, corridor goals and objectives, selected ICM approaches and strategies, institutional framework). Potential activities in this regard (some of which may have already been done) include the following:
- Identify operational characteristics and scenarios within the corridor (e.g., frequency of incidents or events and their general location and impact, potential weather impacts, whether the corridor is part of an evacuation route, time-of-day/day-of-week/time-of-year considerations) and identify appropriate ICM scenarios and strategies for these operational scenarios.
- Identify individual major trip ends and their specific alternative routes and modes (including the associated cross network linkages and junctions) for the operational scenarios.
- Determine the spare capacity of the individual networks and cross-network linkages (vis-á-vis trip volumes, transit loadings, parking demand) and the total spare capacity within the corridor for the various ICM scenarios.
- Estimate the additional travel time for likely network shifts.
Based on these operational analyses (which can likely be done via simple calculations in a spreadsheet format), the corridor boundaries may be further refined and adjusted; for example, expanding the corridor boundaries for selected operational scenarios (e.g., major incidents) to increase the amount of spare capacity, reducing the corridor width due to excessive travel time penalties, or identifying scenarios which may require a regional (corridor-to-corridor shifts) approach.
Another option is to model and simulate the corridor (and any alternative boundaries) under a variety of operational scenarios and combinations of ICM approaches and strategies. This level of detail and analysis is not required for the Concept of Operations, although it is addressed as part of the requirements stage of the overall process.
Performance Measures and Metrics
Performance measurement is important for the several reasons: it provides the basis for identifying the location and severity of problems such as congestion, service delays, and high accident rates within the corridor; it permits the evaluation of the effectiveness of the implemented corridor management strategies in meeting the operational goals and objectives for the corridor; it allows a comparison of operations from year to year as well as a comparison of performance relative to other areas or corridors; and it provides information to decision makers, stakeholders, and to the public (e.g., justification for the continued operation or expansion of the ICMS project). Performance measurement must be viewed as a continuous process focused on assessing the progress made towards achieving the operational goals identified for the corridor. In essence, if you don't measure results, you can't tell success from failure; if you can't see success, you can't reward it; and if you can't see failure, you can't correct it.
Several references provide guidelines for selecting performance measures and the attributes of good performance measures as summarized below:
- Goals and objectives. Performance measures should be identified to reflect the goals and objectives for corridor management, including validation of the objectives.
- Limited number of measures. All other things being equal, fewer rather than more measures is better. Too much information, too many kinds of information, or information presented at too fine a level can overwhelm decision makers and the public.
- Ease of collection. The data required for performance measures should be easy to collect and analyze, preferably directly and automatically from the various transportation management systems that comprise the ICM.
- Data needs. At the same time, performance measures should not be solely defined by what data are readily available. Data needs and the methods for analyzing the data should be determined by what it will take to create or "populate" the desired measures. Data collection specific to performance measurements should be identified and collected.
- Sensitivity. Performance measurement must be designed in such a way that change is measured at the same order-of-magnitude as will likely result from the implemented actions.
- Facilitate improvement. The ultimate purpose of performance measures must clearly be to improve the operation of an integrated corridor. Performance measures must therefore provide the ability to diagnose problems and to assess outcomes that reveal actual operational results. There must be a means to incorporate the findings of performance measures as a means to enhance the operations of the corridor.
- Simple and understandable. Within the constraints of required precision, accuracy, and facilitating improvement, performance measures should prove simple in application with consistent definitions and interpretations.
By definition, a corridor is comprised of several different networks, including roadway and transit modes. Each of these separate modes and facilities can be expected to have their own set of performance measures. The selected measures may be the same for each mode, and presentation of the data may be made on a parallel basis, as shown in Table 4-4.
Performance Measurement Type | Highway Measures | Transit Measures |
Quantity | Person Throughput (# of passengers) | Person Throughput (# of passengers) |
Vehicle Miles of Travel | Vehicle Miles of Travel (train miles) | |
Average Vehicle Occupancy (persons/vehicle) | Average Vehicle Occupancy (persons/train) | |
Quality | Average Travel Time | Average Travel Time |
Average Travel Speed | Average Travel Speed | |
Density (Vehicles/lane mile) | Density (Passengers/seat, percent) | |
Time Heavily Congested (percent) | Time Heavily Congested (percent) |
In other instances, the mode-specific performance measures may not have any relationship to one another or to corridor operations as a whole. For example, a roadway network may utilize the volume/capacity ratio or level of service; while transit modes may use measures such as boardings per revenue hour or revenue mile, total operating cost per revenue hour or revenue mile, net deficit per boarding (difference between operating cost per boarding and revenue per boarding), and crowding (passengers per seat for peak and off peak).
Integrated corridor management requires performance measures that are "mode-neutral," reflecting overall corridor mobility and reliability (e.g., person-based or trip-based utilizing travel times and delays). Moreover, three dimensions of corridor operations should be tracked with performance measures: source of congestion or problem, temporal aspects, and spatial detail. Customer satisfaction measures should also be considered. It is emphasized that these "corridor-wide" performance measures are in addition to any network-specific performance measures. As such, the relationship between the corridor performance measures and network-specific measures need to be addressed.
In addition to the performance measures for the corridor, consideration should also be given to the development of "success thresholds" for these measures. These thresholds provide an indication that the corridor goals have been achieved. As such, they should be viewed as long-term targets that reflect the future vision of how the corridor will operate. Upon deployment of the ICMS, any movement toward the target performance values will indicate that ICMS is having the desired effect.
In all likelihood, one or more of the corridor goals will not readily lend themselves to quantitative measurements, such as goals that address institutional integration and all stakeholders sharing a "corridor view." For such goals, a more qualitative approach is necessary. This will involve conducting a periodic assessment that provides the means by which the corridor transportation agencies can measure the effectiveness of their coordination and integrated operations from a high-level, institutional view.3 Examples of questions to be addressed may include:
- Do the corridor agencies meet regularly with one another and with other agencies and organizations?
- Have inter-agency agreements defining responsibilities for ICMS operation, maintenance, and funding been developed and executed?
- Are the results of coordinated operations reviewed, discussed, and acted upon, particularly following major events or activities?
To be effective, such assessments should be conducted as a group exercise, including as many stakeholder representatives as possible.
Proposed Changes
This process step focuses on what is needed to implement the selected ICM strategies. This effort results in a high-level list of asset-based "requirements"4 for the ICMS, providing a sense of the overall scope for the ICMS concept. These needed assets are then compared to the existing or planned assets within the corridor to identify the proposed changes and additions to the current technical, operational, and institutional situation within the corridor. Moreover, the proposed changes will aid in the development of ICMS requirements and the definition and scoping of specific projects required to deploy and implement the ICMS.
Table 4-4 presents a list of potential asset needs for a corridor. This list is not intended to be complete, nor will every corridor and ICM concept require all the assets identified therein. These potential ICMS "requirements" are classified as follows:
- Network Systems. These are the required network-based systems. They are identified by the National ITS Architecture nomenclature of "Market Package" for ease of reference to functionality (Reference 15).
- Network Subsystems & Technologies. This column provides additional information on the minimum network ITS-based requirements (e.g., specific field devices, hardware, system functionality).
- Information. This column lists the data and other information to be gathered by the network systems, and subsequently shared among the stakeholders and corridor travelers.
- Communication Subsystems. These assets are communications-related, including the types of communications (e.g., center-to-center) as identified in the National ITS Architecture, interfaces to systems, and associated ITS standards.
- Other/Performance. This column is used for other ICM-required assets that don't "fit" into the other categories, such as the few regional or multi-system market packages, institutional assets (responsibilities and policies), and support tools.
These various assets are not necessarily independent or separate from one another. There are several relationships across columns; for example, the Market Package "Network/Probe Surveillance" requires one or more of the items included in the "Network Subsystems & Technologies" column (e.g., traffic detectors, CCTV, road weather sensors), which in turn provide several of the elements listed in the "Information" column (e.g., link volumes and travel times, video images, air quality). The items included in the "Communications Subsystems" column are then necessary to technically integrate all of these systems and devices into a corridor-based system, while the "Other" items support corridor integration from an operational and institutional basis. There are also dependencies within columns, particularly for the various Market Packages (as described in the National ITS Architecture documentation - Reference 15).
The next step is to compare these needed ICMS assets to the existing and near-term assets within the corridor (as obtained from the inventory/data collection step). There are many ways of performing this analysis and then presenting the results. One example is to modify Table 4-4 (or similar list) to show only those assets necessary for the proposed ICM strategies, and highlight those assets that are already operating within the corridor or are future assets based on current improvement plans. Consideration should also be given to those assets that are only partially deployed within the corridor as compared to fully deployed. Those assets and issues that are not highlighted represent the proposed changes and additions.
Network Systems (Market Packages) | Network Subsystems & Technologies | Information | Communication Subsystems | Other (Operational)/Performance |
Roadways (Freeway, Arterial, Managed Lanes)
Equipment/Device Status
System Concept
The focus of this process step is to combine the information from the previous activities to provide a general description of the corridor under ICMS operations. This description should provide all stakeholders with both a consistent picture of what is envisioned for the corridor and a basis on which to identify their respective roles and responsibilities. The system concept must also address alignment with the Regional ITS Architecture, and the key system implementation issues (operational, institutional, technical), including how they may be resolved.
Regional Architecture
The ICMS concept should be compared to the Regional ITS Architecture to identify any possible issues and needs that may arise between the ITS Regional Architecture and the implementation of the ICMS concept. Specific considerations include the following:
- The regional ITS architecture development process results in specific standards and protocols for communications and information exchange between systems. These standards and protocols may serve as the foundation for defining the ICMS center-to-center (C2C) linkages, interfaces, and standards.
- In the event attributes of the regional ITS architecture, be they technical (e.g., C2C linkages, regional information exchange network/clearinghouse), institutional (agreements, administrative frameworks and processes), or operational (response plans for major special events or emergency operations), have already been (or soon will be) implemented, the ICMS concept should incorporate and build upon these regional elements to the greatest extent possible.
- The list of agency agreements for the regional architecture can be the starting point for developing the agreements and procedures to be implemented at the corridor level.
At the same time, the ICMS concept may identify issues and needs that require revisions to and/or expansion of the Regional ITS Architecture.
Operational Scenarios
Operational scenarios should be developed describing how the ICMS will function under various conditions. These scenarios also describe the responsibilities and activities from the viewpoint of the primary stakeholders (e.g., network owners and operators, public safety). Potential operational scenarios include daily operational scenario (e.g., recurring congestion), scheduled event scenario (planned special events or work zone operations), incident scenarios (roadway and transit incident), and major event scenarios (e.g., evacuation).
These examples need not be all inclusive, but they should address the underlying assumptions, identify the sequence of events, and describe the expected responses and actions for each stakeholder, including which stakeholder(s) assume a lead role for these activities. Developing and describing ICM operational scenarios provides an opportunity to lay out the ICMS and explain how it will work once it is in operation. It can be very helpful in promoting an understanding of ICMS processes and operations, given certain corridor events, and showing the stakeholders how the new ICMS will affect them. Operational scenarios also represent a useful tool for setting or managing user expectations for the ICM program.
Implementation Issues
The "proposed changes" identified in the previous process step will undoubtedly include several implementation issues. It is critical that the system concept identifies all such corridor and ICM concept issues, including those related to the selected strategies. Many of these issues involve choices that need to be addressed and subsequently resolved during later stages of the systems engineering process (e.g., design, procurement, and implementation). In all likelihood, it will not be feasible to resolve all the system issues and questions at the concept level. Nevertheless, these implementation issues and their possible solutions need to be identified so all stakeholders have a joint understanding of the issues and their possible impact on the successful development and implementation of the ICM concept. Potential implementation issues, which parallel integration, as previously defined, are summarized in Table 4-5. Additional information is provided in Technical Memoranda 3.4 and 5.4.
In all likelihood, the institutional framework by which the corridor's ICM concept will be implemented, operated, managed, and maintained will represent a significant implementation issue. The Concept of Operations therefore needs to explain how the institutional framework will be established, the responsibilities of the unit(s) that compose the framework, the composition of leadership and staff, the distribution of decision-making authority, and how the framework will facilitate necessary external corridor interactions. The proposed institutional framework must be an approach that can be implemented and backed by all the corridor stakeholders.
Operational Issues
Technical Issues
1 In this context, the term "protocols" refers to operating procedures, plans, and organizational arrangements. As discussed later, it also can refer to technical ITS standards for transmitting information between network systems within the corridor. 2 Configuration management is a cross-cutting activity that is discussed in a subsequent section herein. |
Concept of Operations
The Concept of Operations (ConOps) is a formal document that provides a user-oriented view of integrated corridor management, the ICM approaches and strategies, and the associated operations. It is developed to help communicate this view to the stakeholders and to solicit their feedback. In essence, the ConOps documents the results and findings from the "system conception" stage, laying out the ICM concept, explaining how things are expected to work once it is in operation, and identifying the responsibilities of the various stakeholders for making this happen. The ConOps answers the following questions:
- What — the known elements and the high-level capabilities of the system.
- Where — the geographical and physical extents of the system.
- When — the time-sequence of activities that will be performed.
- How — resources needed to design, build, and operate the system.
- Who — the stakeholders involved with the system and their respective responsibilities.
- Why — justification for the system, identifying what the corridor currently lacks and what the system will provide.
The ConOps does not delve into technology or detailed requirements of the ICMS, but it does address the operational scenarios and objectives, information needs, and overall functionality. The ConOps must also address the institutional environment in which integrated corridor management must be deployed, operated, and maintained. Paraphrasing the "IEEE Guide for Concept of Operations Documents" and the FHWA document "Developing and Using a Concept of Operations in Transportation Management Systems," a ConOps offers several benefits, including:
- Providing a means for engaging ICM stakeholders and soliciting their input as to their respective desires, visions, and expectations (without requiring them to provide quantified, testable specifications), as well as their thoughts and concerns on possible solution strategies.
- Providing a means of describing stakeholders and users' operational needs for ICM, without bogging down in detailed technical issues.
- Identifying the institutional, technical and operational environment in which ICM will function.
- Formulating and documenting a high-level definitions and descriptions of integrated corridor management and any associated ICM system.
- Providing a foundation for all lower-level "sub-system" descriptions and requirements.
An ICMS Concept of Operations for a "generic corridor" has been developed (Technical Memorandum 2.3 ) as an example of an ICM ConOps that can be used by agency and network owners as the basis for developing their own corridor-specific and real-world ConOps. It is emphasized that this generic document is intended as guidance, not as a "template." Moreover, the generic corridor itself should not be construed as the optimum configuration for implementing ICM. It is only a tool to facilitate the development of this ConOps example.
Other references5 for developing a concept of Operations are identified in the Appendix. Finally, it should be emphasized that just as the example generic ConOps does not follow verbatim the ConOps layout identified in these references; it is not necessary for the user to perfectly match the structure of the generic ConOps document.
1 In the context of ICMS being a system of already deployed network transportation management systems, it is assumed that much of these data will already be available from these network systems and that minimal, if any, new data collection will be required.
2 This rule, which became effective in April 2001, requires the development of a "regional ITS architecture," which is defined in the rule as "a regional framework for ensuring institutional agreement and technical integration for the implementation of ITS projects or groups of projects. The regional ITS architecture is based on the National ITS Architecture and consists of several parts including the system functional requirements and information exchanges with planned and existing systems and subsystems and identification of applicable standards, and would be tailored to address the local situation and ITS investment needs."
3 Several self-assessment tools have been developed by FHWA for this purpose. In particular, the "Roadway Operations and System Management" self-assessment tool can be adapted to reflect ICM concepts, thereby providing the means by which the corridor transportation agencies can measure the effectiveness of their coordination and integrated operations.
4 The ICMS requirements, as used in the parlance of systems engineering, are developed in the next stage of the process.
5 In particular, Reference 10: "Developing and Using a Concept of Operations in Transportation Management Systems."