Dear Reader,
We have scanned the country to bring together the collective wisdom and expertise of transportation professionals implementing Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) projects across the United States. This information will prove helpful as you set out to plan, design, and deploy ITS in your communities.
This document is one in a series of products designed to help you provide ITS solutions that meet your local and regional transportation needs. We have developed a variety of formats to communicate with people at various levels within your organization and among your community stakeholders:
- Benefits Brochures let experienced community leaders explain in their own words how specific ITS technologies have benefited their areas.
- Cross-Cutting Studies examine various ITS approaches that can be used to meet your community's goals.
- Case Studies provide in-depth coverage of specific approaches being taken in communities across the United States.
- Implementation Guides serve as "how to" manuals to assist your project staff in the technical details of implementing ITS.
ITS has matured to the point that you are not alone as you move toward deployment. We have gained experience and are committed to providing our state and local partners with the knowledge they need to lead their communities into the future.
The inside back cover contains details on the documents in this series, as well as sources to obtain additional information. We hope you find these documents useful tools for making important transportation investment decisions.
Jeffrey F. Paniati
Associate Administrator for Operations
Federal Highway Administration