Products Available in This Series
This document is one in a series of products that address ITS issues pertinent to a variety of audiences:
- Elected and Appointed Officials
- Senior Decision Makers
- Transportation Managers
- Technical Experts
- States
- Cities
- Counties
- Motor Carriers
- Licensing and Registration Service Bureaus
- Law Enforcement
- Public Utilities/Commercial Vehicle Enforcement
- Additional Transportation Stakeholders
Products available in this series:
- Benefits Brochures quote how ITS technologies have benefited specific areas.
- Cross-Cutting Studies present current data from related ITS applications.
- Case Studies provide in-depth coverage of ITS applications in specific projects.
- Technical Reports include results from various Field Operation Tests.
- Implementation Guides assist project staff in the technical details of implementing ITS.
ITS topics addressed in this series:
- Commercial Vehicle Operations
- Emergency Services
- Enabling Technologies
- Emissions Management
- Freeway and Arterial Management
- Planning and Integration
- Real-Time Traveler Information
- Transit, Toll, and Rail Management
- Weather Information for Travelers and Maintenance
- Work Zones
For a current listing of available documents, please visit our website at