Overview of APMS
Smith, Lauren and Hans Roth (2003). Parking Systems Technologies.
This website provides basic overviews of advanced parking systems, parking guidance systems, parking information services, automated parking systems, advanced payment systems, and advanced parking meters. This site also provides brief descriptions of various deployments of these systems throughout the U.S., Europe and Asia.
Pati, Bikash Ron (1998). "Using ITS Technology to Manage Congestion at Parking Facilities." Network.
This article provides a high-level overview of both parking guidance systems and parking management systems. The article also lists the common components that make up the system, a general description of system operations, per space system cost estimates, and the benefits the project stakeholders can expect after deploying either type of system.
ITS Applications Overview Website (2006)., search for "parking management."
This Web page provides "one-stop shopping" for information on the benefits, costs, lessons learned, extent of deployment and other information about advanced parking management systems. This page allows "one click" access to the parking management sections of the ITS Benefits Database, the ITS Costs Database, the ITS Lessons Learned Knowledge Resource, and the ITS Deployment Statistics Database.
APMS Case Studies
Spillar, Ron (1998). "Smart Parks: The Next Generation in Park-and-Ride Facilities." Network.
This article discusses the Santa Clara Valley Transit Authority's Smart Park deployment in San Jose, California, which is unique in that it ties parking management information with traveler information. The article provides an overview of the deployment, which provides riders with trip planning and vehicle location information in addition to alerting them to parking availability through DMS and LED indicators.
Shaheen, Susan A and Caroline J. Rodier (2004). Applying Integrated ITS Technologies to Parking Management Systems: A Transit-Based Case Study in the San Francisco Bay Area.
This report presents the background research that was conducted as part of Caltrans' test deployment at the Rockbridge BART station. The report provides the results of an extensive literature review of various smart parking applications worldwide. Also described is the field test technology that was used in the deployment. The document includes the results of focus groups and surveys that were conducted pre-deployment to gauge consumer interest in smart parking services.
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