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6.0 Refinement of the Self-Evaluation and Planning Guide

The development of the self-evaluation and planning guide was a cornerstone of the weather information integration project. The Guide, as described in the previous sections, is a standalone Microsoft Access database application with a companion written document version. This section provides feedback from the TMCs on the Guide and presents options for further refinement and updates of the Guide.

6.1 Feedback and Changes Suggested by Users of the Guide

The TMC representatives who participated in this project appreciated the thoroughness of the Guide content, clarity of instructions, and the applicability of the integration strategies presented. Specific feedback was requested and obtained based on the use of the electronic version of the tool. The Guide was updated and improved based on the suggestions from the users. Table 22 provides a tabular summary of the changes requested by the TMCs and the changes implemented in the Guide.

Table 22. Changes to the Guide Based on User Feedback

Reason for Suggested Change to the Guide

Description of Change Implemented

Need header and footer in reports that users can print out based on user inputs. This will help when TMCs are printing multiple Guide section reports for multiple regions (such as in Louisiana) or having individuals fill out the Guide separately and then print it.

Added a form at the beginning of the Guide to allow users to enter the following:

  • Created By
  • TMC Name
  • Region of Interest
  • The information is included as the page footer in all the reports created.

Need additional sections in the Guide after Section 6. Currently, the TMCs get through the self-evaluation process and find themselves overwhelmed by the number of strategies presented to them. Need a structure that allows TMCs to further prioritize and narrow the set of strategies that they want to carry forward.

  • This required restricting the content of Section 6. The text in the introduction section was simplified with an emphasis on the TMCs printing the reports, reviewing as a group, and testing some “what-if” scenarios.
  • Once the TMC has reviewed the report, the user is directed to a new sub-form with the list of strategies that they have previously selected in Section 5. The TMC can prioritize these strategies for immediate or future implementation. Two new reports were created with user-selected strategies identifying immediate implementation and future implementation.

Comment in Section 1:
TMCs were confused about the terms “Area-wide” and “Region-wide”. This confusion needs to be resolved.

  • Changed “Area-Wide” to “Corridor-Specific” to be consistent with the paper version of the Guide.

Comment from a TMC in Section 2 (Question 2.1):
Not clear what “Traffic Mgmt Device Impairment” means.
Not clear what “Increased use of equipment/labor” means, especially compared to the next choice “increased use of in-house labor”

  • Changed the wording to “Traffic Control Device Malfunction (Signals, DMS, etc.)” as recommended by the TMC.
  • Changed the wording to “Increased use of equipment/materials” and removed the word labor, as it was covered in the other choices.

Comment in Section 3:
Does not have update button
Section 4 button is next to Section 3 “Next Question” which is confusing
Question 3.4 – Rephrase slightly to make clear
Current Status – Default. Have the check-box uncheck itself.

  • Changed the text to “Update and Move to Section 4”
  • Moved the Section 4 button below and created a separator between the “Next question” and Section 4
  • Cannot change this element in the Guide due to the structure of the underlying table and error checking requirements

Comments on Reports:
Check formatting of all reports
Word or PDF versions are suitable
Create new report in Section 6 with a subset of strategies that a TMC is interested in with a sense of priority.

  • Checked, and revised as needed, formatting of all reports
  • Office 2007 includes the ability to save the files as PDF
  • Enhancements needed to be able to export to Microsoft Word were investigated but determined to be not easily programmable in Microsoft Access at this time.
  • Section 6 changes described earlier in the table

Comments on Section 7:
The Guide stops abruptly and the outline is too complex.
Integration Plan outline needs to be revised based on experiences with TMCs

  • Changed the text in the Section 7 form to clearly articulate the purpose of the weather information integration plan.
  • Created a new outline for the TMCs to follow based on the previous TMCs’ experiences.

Spell out all acronyms in all the strategy descriptions
Check for typos

  • Went through the Guide and spelled out acronyms and fixed typos, especially for Section 3 and Section 4


The Guide was updated in June 2010 with the changes as indicated in the table above. The corresponding document version of the Guide was likewise updated. No further changes have been suggested by the TMC users.

6.2 Updating the Guide

The self-evaluation Guide has been successfully used at all the TMCs participating in this study. For an ad-hoc electronic tool designed on the fly to support the complexities of weather integration, the Guide has held up remarkably well to the variety of TMCs and their varying needs. However, it is important to realize that the Guide needs to be continuously updated as the field of weather information evolves, new technologies are developed to support weather integration, and TMCs expand their needs and vision of how to more effectively integrate weather information into their daily operations.

Technically, the Guide needs a periodic update of the Weather Information Integration Strategies and User Needs. Currently, there are 11 items of integration and 5 levels for each item. These were developed to cover the gamut of information integration options in 2008. With improving technologies and capabilities within TMCs, these strategies need to be reviewed and updated. Similarly, the user needs should be reviewed and updated to reflect the current desires of TMCs.

From a usability standpoint, major additional improvements to the Guide are limited by Microsoft Access’ capabilities. TMCs have requested several usability updates that are better suited to other platforms than Microsoft Access. For example, the following suggestions identified by the TMCs would be useful but either too costly or not possible to implement in Microsoft Access: