Introduction |
Performance-related specifications (PRS) have capabilities beyond
traditional QA specifications. These capabilities include clearly defining
lots and sublots (for all sampling and testing), the subsequent sampling
and testing of key AQC's that relate directly to the future performance of
the constructed pavement, and predicting future LCC's used to compute
contractor pay adjustments (incentives and disincentives). Thus, the level
of quality (expressed as a mean and standard deviation) achieved for each
of the key AQC's can be related directly to rationally computed pay
adjustments based on sound economic principles.
The initial
ground-breaking work on PRS was done by R.M. Weed for the New Jersey
Department of Transportation.(7) This work provided a basis for
the prototype PRS developed under a previous FHWA research study. (See
references 1, 2, 3, and 8.) The prototype used an innovative approach that
considered the estimated future LCC of the pavement as the overall measure
of quality. Under the prototype, target values (means and standard
deviations) must be established for four key AQC's (concrete strength,
slab thickness, entrained air content, and initial smoothness). These
AQC's are then measured from the in situ pavement during construction. The
computed as-constructed AQC lot means are then used in established
mathematical models to predict key distress indicators (transverse joint
faulting, transverse cracking, transverse joint spalling, and PSR) over a
chosen analysis period. The amount of the pay adjustment is then based on
the AQC quality-related increase or decrease in future LCC's expected to
be incurred by the agency over the chosen analysis life of the project
(assuming a given rehabilitation policy). A computer software program,
PaveSpec, was developed to demonstrate the prototype
Although the prototype PRS were based on rational
concepts, researchers realized that an attempt to implement such
specifications would most likely be met with resistance. This resistance
would result from the general unfamiliarity with the current PRS concepts,
the dependency of computed pay adjustments on the PaveSpec software, the
additional costs associated with strongly emphasized in situ testing, and
the need to simulate the actual pay factor in the field. Under the current
research project, a strategy was developed to aid in the acceptance and
implementation of the revised prototype PRS. This involved the development
of three different PRS implementation levels. Each of these is described
in detail in the following section.
Three Levels of
PRS Implementation |
The overall goal of PRS research is to progress toward developing
ideal PRS that incorporate all important AQC's of PCC
pavements that not only affect pavement performance, but are also under
the control of the contractor. As a means of achieving this goal, future
research should attempt to:
- Identify distress indicators that significantly affect pavement
performance (these drive the PRS).
- Identify the AQC's and other variables that directly affect each
identified distress indicator.
- Develop early age, rapid, reliable, easy, and cost-effective field
tests that measure the in situ quality level of each identified
- Develop accurate distress indicator prediction models that are
dependent on the measured quality level mean and variability of each
identified AQC (none of the current models are directly dependent upon
- Develop a practical, yet comprehensive, method for the calculation
of overall lot pay adjustments using sound economic principles.
Obviously, much research is needed to develop and implement an ideal
PRS. Such an effort will take much more research and funding. Therefore,
as a means of organizing the envisioned work needed to develop these
ideal PRS, three different levels (chronological steps) of PRS
implementation were proposed. These three levels are defined as follows:
- Level 1—Simplified PRS:Developed as a simplified version of
the original prototype PRS. It is believed that the current Level 1
acceptance testing would not differ greatly from the procedures
currently used by SHA's. AQC quality can be approximately assessed
using selected parts of the agency's current AQC sampling and testing
methods for core strength, entrained air content, slab thickness,
percent consolidation around dowels, and initial smoothness.
The Level 1 pay factor computation method is based on calculating
independent pay factors for each AQC (all other AQC's are assumed to
be equal to the target values). Each of these pay factors is
determined from a series of developed pay factor versus AQC mean
curves. These curves, each specific to a different as-constructed AQC
standard deviation, are created by correlating simulated lot pay
factors over a range of AQC means. Each computed pay factor is,
therefore, a function of the measured as-constructed mean and standard
deviation, target mean and standard deviation, and sample size. Final
payment for the lot is based on a chosen CPF equation (expressed as a
simple mathematical function of the independently determined AQC pay
factors). This Level 1 CPF is an estimate of the pay factor determined
using the more rigorous procedures of Level 2.
- Level 2—Transitional PRS: The Level 2 specifications
generally use the same concepts and procedures developed for the
original prototype PRS.(1,2,3) The Level 2 specifications
represent the dynamic transition from the original prototype
specifications presented in the final report of a previous FHWA
research project to the ultimate goal of Level 3.(1,2,3)
The Level 2 PRS encourage the use of more in situ and nondestructive
sampling and testing that can be used to accept pavement lots at much
earlier ages (e.g., using 3-day core compressive strength results for
the acceptance of concrete strength). The Level 2 PRS also require
more computer simulation to compute pay adjustments.
The Level 2 pay factor computation method calculates lot pay
factors by directly comparing simulated as-designed (target) and
as-constructed LCC's. Interactions of AQC's are included in the
simulations (e.g., an increase in concrete strength may counteract a
deficiency in slab thickness). The pay factor calculation is based on
the premise of liquidated damages. Final payment for the lot is based
on the simulated pay factor determined using the PaveSpec
- Level 3—Ideal PRS: The Level 3 specifications represent the
ideal specifications that will eventually be achieved with much future
research. Such specifications would include many more AQC's that are
not currently measurable. Also, these AQC's would be measured using
reliable early age methods that are both in situ and
Each level may differ in the number of
AQC's included, the sampling and testing methods required for each AQC,
the distress indicator prediction models used to predict pavement
performance, and the computation method for payment adjustments. The
details of the three proposed PRS levels of implementation are
summarized in table 1.
The original PRS prototype and
corresponding computer program (PaveSpec) have been updated and revised
under this current research project. The revised PRS prototype addresses
both Level 1 and Level 2 PRS acceptance procedures and is included as appendix A (in this volume).
Table 1. Details of the three
proposed PRS implementation levels. | |