Introduction |
This chapter provides a number of key concepts related to the current
PRS approach that must be understood before attempting to use the revised
PRS prototype. The chapter starts with a general discussion of pavement
performance and how it is defined under the PRS approach. The specific
step-by-step PRS procedure used to predict the performance of a given lot
is presented. Next, the concept of computing and using the lot LCC as the
overall measure of quality (for both the as-designed and as-constructed
pavements) is explained. The step-by-step procedures used to compute an
overall lot LCC are discussed. Finally, the procedures used to compute
Level 1 and Level 2 pay adjustments (based on the estimated as-designed
and as-constructed LCC's) are explained.
Prediction of
Pavement Performance |
The underlying concept of PRS is that knowledgeable decisions related
to pavement lot acceptance and corresponding pay adjustments are based on
the predicted pavement performance. Under the current PRS approach,
pavement performance is expressed in terms of different identified
pavement distresses, referred to as distress indicators. In a previous PRS
study, many distress indicators were identified that were not only assumed
to have a significant effect on the service life of the pavement, but were
also under the control of the contractor.(1) Based on each
identified distress indicator's significance to concrete pavement
performance and the availability of mathematical-based prediction models,
the following four distress indicators were selected for inclusion in the
original, and also the revised, prototype PRS:(1)
- Transverse joint spalling.
- Transverse joint faulting.
- Transverse slab cracking.
- Pavement smoothness over time.
Although the chosen distress indicators are exclusively related to the
concrete slab, distress indicators related to other pavement components
(such as the subgrade, base, and shoulders) should eventually be included
in more comprehensive PRS. The current PRS methodology allows for the
eventual inclusion of any number of distress indicators.
These four
distress indicators included in the revised PRS are predicted over a
chosen analysis period using the best prediction models available. These
mathematical models are functions of a series of defined project-specific
constant values (e.g., traffic, climatic variables, design
characteristics, drainage and support conditions, project dimensions, and
unit costs) and relevant AQC sample means. The general inputs and outputs
for each of the available PRS distress indicator models are shown in
figure 1.Each distress indicator model is explained in detail in appendix
E (volume III).
Figure 1. Inputs and outputs of the
distress indicator prediction models available in the revised PRS
prototype. |
Although pay adjustments are applied on a lot basis, pavement
performance is predicted for each sublot under the current PRS
approach. A sublot is a discrete amount of pavement (part of a lot) from
which AQC's are measured. A chosen number of AQC samples are taken from
each sublot and tested using agency-approved testing procedures. Note that
the number of samples per sublot may differ for each AQC. The sublot means
of the AQC testing values, and the project-specific constant values, are
then used in the distress indicator models to predict the respective
sublot distresses over time. This procedure is repeated for every sublot
within a lot; therefore, the performance of the entire lot is defined in
terms of the independently predicted sublot distresses. Because the
predicted sublot distresses are dependent on the representative sublot AQC
means, changes in the between-sublot quality level impact the predicted
between-sublot performance. Figure 2 illustrates an example of the
procedure used to predict the pavement performance of a given lot. (Note:
The AQC sampling types and frequencies chosen for this example are for
illustration purposes only.)
Figure 2. Process for predicting the
pavement performance of a given lot (sample types and number of
samples per sublot are for illustration purposes
only). |
LCC as the Overall
Lot Quality Characteristic |
A driving concept of the current PRS approach is that the predicted
future LCC of a pavement lot is the overall quality characteristic used
for determining contractor pay adjustments. The lot LCC can generally be
defined as the cumulative PW value of the future pavement
performance-related costs expected to be incurred by the SHA (and users,
if so desired) over the chosen analysis period. This LCC definition is, of
course, very much dependent on what specific types of costs the agency
chooses to include. Under the current PRS approach, the agency may choose
to consider not only expected M & R costs, but user costs as well.
Each of the specific cost types available for inclusion are discussed in
more detail below.
Agency-Incurred LCC's
The costs incurred by the agency include all of the M & R costs
expected to be required to keep the pavement lot in service (at an
acceptable quality level) over the chosen analysis period. Rehabilitation
costs are divided into localized and global rehabilitation costs. Each of
these agency-incurred cost types is discussed separately
Maintenance costs are those costs associated with the
application of day-to-day maintenance activities performed to address
safety and operational concerns and prevent the rapid deterioration of the
pavement structure. These activities are generally referred to as
preventive or routine maintenance. This maintenance is
typically applied at certain fixed intervals of time over the life of a
pavement lot (commonly on an annual basis). The current PRS approach
limits maintenance costs to those resulting from transverse crack and
transverse joint sealing.
Local rehabilitation costs are those
resulting from the application of localized rehabilitation activities
(used to correct localized distresses). Localized distresses are those
that affect an individual joint (transverse joint spalling and transverse
joint faulting) or an individual slab (transverse slab cracking). The
current PRS approach considers costs resulting from the following local
rehabilitation activities:
- Full-depth or partial-depth repairs addressing transverse joint
- Full-slab or partial-slab replacements addressing transverse slab
Global rehabilitation costs are those costs resulting from activities
applied to the entire pavement lot in response to declining global
pavement conditions. These activities are specifically applied to address
pavement conditions such as decreasing pavement smoothness, increasing
amounts of localized distress, or increasing amounts of applied localized
rehabilitation. These activities are referred to as global because
they are applied to the entire lot (all sublots) at the same point in time
(based on the consideration of the individual performance of all sublots
within the lot). In the current PRS approach, global rehabilitation costs
can be the result of AC overlays, PCC overlays, or diamond grinding.
User-Incurred LCC's
The concept of having the contractor pay adjustment dependent on
estimated future costs incurred by pavement users has long been debated
when discussing PRS. User costs are defined as pavement condition-related
costs incurred by the users of the facility over the chosen analysis
period. The current PRS approach allows the consideration of the following
four user cost types defined by McFarland and presented in a recent report
discussing LCC's:(10,13)
- Travel-time costs—motorist delay costs spurred by detours, work
zones, or closures associated with construction, rehabilitation, and
maintenance activities. These costs can be a major portion of total user
costs. Rougher pavements can reduce traffic speeds, representing another
source of travel-time costs.
- Vehicle operating costs—costs associated with fuel and oil
consumption, tire wear, emissions, maintenance and repair, and
depreciation. Like travel-time costs, these costs make up a significant
percentage of the total user costs.
- Accident costs—costs associated with accidents due to rough or
slippery roads. American Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials (AASHTO) has subdivided accident costs into fatal accidents,
nonfatal accidents, and property damage.(14)These costs can
be a significant portion of the total user costs; however, they are very
difficult to estimate because the value of a human life and the cost of
a debilitating injury are very controversial.
- Discomfort costs—costs associated with rough roads. This category is
probably the most difficult to estimate and generally contributes little
to total user costs in North America, particularly in light of the
smoother pavements required for heavily trafficked pavements.
The inclusion of user costs in the lot LCC's used to compute PRS pay
adjustments continues to be a controversial issue. In response, the
revised prototype PRS allows for the inclusion of a specified
percentage of the estimated total user costs over the chosen
analysis period. This percentage may be set equal to zero if an agency
does not wish to include any user costs. The inclusion of user costs does,
however, allow the SHA to emphasize the effects of pavement smoothness on
LCC's and subsequent pay adjustments.
Calculation of the Representative LCC for a
Given Lot
The calculation of the representative LCC for a given lot is based on
estimating all of the future maintenance, rehabilitation, and user costs
(if included) related to the predicted performance of the given lot. The
performance of the lot, defined in terms of sublot distresses versus time,
is predicted using the procedure outlined in figure
2. An agency-defined M & R plan is applied to these streams of
sublot distresses in order to determine when and what type of M & R
activities are expected to be applied. Typically, a series of defined
pavement conditions (individual distress levels, combinations of distress
levels, and limits on the number of applied localized repairs) is used to
trigger localized and global rehabilitation.
Following is the
step-by-step procedure used to determine the particular timing of M &
R activities and their associated costs, which are, in turn, summarized
into a representative lot LCC.
- Determine the estimated yearly maintenance and local
rehabilitation activities for each sublot. As the pavement
distresses are predicted for each sublot at each year over the chosen
analysis period, M & R activities are applied to each sublot in
accordance with the agency-defined M & R plan. The details of the M
& R plan can be based on time (e.g., replace cracked slabs every 5
years) or individual distress volume (e.g., replace spalled joints when
20 percent of the joints are spalled). Figure 3 shows an example of the
relationships between the predicted distress indicators and the
application of corresponding localized rehabilitation for a given sublot
(as defined by the applicable M & R plan).
Figure 3. Example of the relationships
between the predicted distress indicators and the application of
corresponding localized rehabilitation for a given
sublot. |
The schedule of applied maintenance is slightly more complex, as it
depends not only on the scheduled timing of the maintenance
activities (defined in the M & R plan), but also on the
amounts of the predicted localized distress. For example, as
the total linear feet of predicted slab cracking increases, so does
the amount of required crack sealing. Similarly, every transverse
joint that is replaced to correct spalling results in two new joints
(both sides of the new patch) that require sealing.
- Determine the year of first global rehabilitation. The lot
LCC is greatly influenced by the chosen timing and type of global
rehabilitation activities. This is primarily due to the magnitude of
these costs in relation to the maintenance and localized rehabilitation
costs. The revised prototype provides the agency with the following two
options for determining when the first global rehabilitation is to be
applied to the entire lot:
- Lot threshold trigger values on distress or localized
rehabilitation values—The first option involves identifying lot
threshold trigger values to be applied to either the cumulative
sublot distresses or cumulative localized rehabilitation activities
predicted to occur in all sublots within the lot. Specifically, this
may involve a comparison of any or all of the following types of
items to predetermined critical lot threshold trigger values:
- Individual distress indicators—i.e., percent (or
number) of cracked slabs, percent (or number) of spalled joints,
and average faulting per joint.
- Combinations of individual distress indicators—e.g.,
apply global rehabilitation if percentage of cracked slabs = 20
percent and percentage of spalled joints = 30 percent.
- Applied levels of localized rehabilitation—e.g., apply
global rehabilitation when a total of 20 percent of the transverse
joints have been repaired for spalling.
Predicted distresses, and their corresponding required localized
rehabilitation, are estimated each year over the progressing life of
the pavement. The computed cumulative distresses, or localized
rehabilitation, are then compared to the agency-defined lot
threshold trigger values. When a computed cumulative distress or
localized rehabilitation value surpasses a predefined lot threshold
trigger value, the first global rehabilitation is triggered for
application at that age.
An example of this lot threshold trigger value method is
illustrated in figure 4. For this example, the agency has chosen to
determine the timing of the first global rehabilitation based on two
different lot threshold trigger values: (1) if the cumulative
percentage of replaced slabs due to cracking equals 20 percent
or (2) if the average sublot PSR equals 2.5. Both of these
trigger values are checked each year over the progressing life of
the pavement. For this particular example, it is the average sublot
PSR that is the controlling criterion, since it reaches its
respective trigger value at an earlier age than the percentage of
cracked slabs. The average sublot PSR reaches a value of 2.5 at an
age of 17.5 years, while the percentage of cracked slabs did not
reach its trigger value of 20 percent until year 19.25. Therefore,
the first global rehabilitation is scheduled to be applied to the
lot (all sublots) at an age of 17.5 years.
- Percentage of sublots failed (PSF)—The second option
involves directly comparing the individually determined sublot
distress or localized distress values (rather than the lot
cumulative values) to agency-defined sublot threshold trigger
values. When a distress or localized rehabilitation value for a
sublot surpasses a predefined sublot threshold value, the sublot is
labeled failed. This process is used to independently
determine the estimated age of failure for each sublot in the lot.
The agency then defines the timing of the global rehabilitation (for
application to the entire lot) in terms of a PSF threshold value
(e.g., an AC overlay will be applied to the entire lot when 20
percent of the sublots have been labeled as failed). When the
computed PSF value equals the agency-defined PSF threshold value,
the first global rehabilitation is triggered for application at that
Figure 4. Example of the lot threshold
trigger method used to determine the timing of the first lot
global rehabilitation. |
An example of this PSF method is illustrated in figure 5. For
this example, the lot is made up of six sublots. The agency-defined
PSF threshold value is 20 percent; therefore, this threshold value
will be surpassed when two of six sublots are labeled as failed (33
percent > 20 percent). The independently determined sublot
failure ages are shown for each sublot within the example lot. These
sublot failure ages are then used to create a plot of PSF versus
age. Based on the individually determined sublot failure ages and an
agency-defined PSF threshold value of 20 percent, the first global
rehabilitation is scheduled to be applied when the second sublot
fails at an age of 19.50 years. It is strongly recommended that a
trigger value of 10 to 30 PSF be used as the lot trigger value for
determining global rehabilitation. This criterion is realistic and
provides for a reasonable effect of variability on the LCC and pay
Figure 5. Example of the PSF method
used to determine the timing of the first lot global
rehabilitation. |
Determine types and life spans of additional global rehabilitation
applications. After the timing of the first global rehabilitation is
determined, the agency must define the types and timings of additional
global rehabilitation applications. Each global rehabilitation activity
is applied with an assumed life span (e.g., apply an AC overlay with an
assumed 15-year overlay life). Additional global rehabilitation
activities are then applied at the end of each assumed life span. (Note:
Each additional global rehabilitation does not have to be of the same
activity type as the preceding applied rehabilitation. For example, the
agency could choose to apply diamond grinding for the first and second
global applications, and then follow those with AC overlay applications
until the end of the analysis period.) Global rehabilitation activities
may have different assumed life spans (e.g., an AC overlay may be
assumed to last 15 years, whereas diamond grinding may be assumed to
last 8 years).
- Determine the estimated yearly maintenance and rehabilitation
costs for each sublot. The next step is to calculate the costs
associated with the predicted M & R application schedule.
Maintenance and localized rehabilitation costs are only incurred up
until the application of the first global rehabilitation. After the
application of the first global rehabilitation, a simplified maintenance
and localized rehabilitation plan (determined by the agency) is assumed.
Figure 6 shows an example of the estimation of different M & R costs
(for one sublot) as they are applied over the analysis life of the
Figure 6. Example showing the
estimation of different M & R costs for one sublot (over the
chosen analysis life). |
- Determine the estimated yearly user costs for each sublot
(optional). As mentioned previously, the prototype allows the
inclusion of a percentage of the estimated user costs. User costs
(accident, delay, discomfort, and vehicle operating) are computed as a
function of road type (e.g., two-lane-undivided, four or more
lanes-divided), yearly traffic, and level of smoothness. The process
starts with determining the current level of smoothness at the start of
each year of the analysis period. A user cost per vehicle per
kilometer is then determined as a function of road type and level of
smoothness. The expected amount of traffic (number of vehicles on the
pavement) for the year is then used to determine a total yearly user
cost value expressed in dollars per kilometer. Knowing the sublot
length allows for the calculation of actual user cost dollars associated
with that particular sublot. The agency-chosen percentage of
these calculated yearly user costs is then used to determine the
respective stream of yearly user costs for the given sublot. Note that
user costs are typically very large in comparison to the M & R costs
calculated in step 4.
- Determine the total present worth LCC for each sublot. The
stream of maintenance, rehabilitation, and user costs are next expressed
in terms of present worth costs using the defined present worth method.
Summarizing the yearly costs into one PW LCC representing the sublot is
key to the prototype approach. The sublot LCC's represent the overall
quality characteristic used to define the quality of each sublot (and,
therefore, the quality of each lot). Each estimated yearly cost is
expressed in terms of present worth by using equation 4. These specific
streams of yearly costs for each sublot are, therefore, translated into
PW sublot LCC's.
- Calculate the representative lot LCC. The final step in the
calculation of the representative LCC for a given lot is to summarize
all of the calculated sublot PW LCC's. Each sublot LCC is expressed in
PW dollars rather than PW dollars per kilometer. Therefore, the
representative lot LCC is calculated by summing all of the independently
calculated sublot LCC's for the lot. The overall lot LCC may then be
expressed in terms of PW LCC per kilometer by dividing the total
lot present worth LCC by the appropriate lot length (in kilometers).
This entire lot LCC calculation process can be represented
mathematically by the cost relationship shown in equation 7.
[PW(MNT) + PW(LR) + PW(GR) +
LCCLOT =Total present worth lot LCC,
PW(MNT) = Present worth of maintenance costs,
PW(LR) = Present worth of localized
rehabilitation costs, PW$.
PW(GR) = Present worth
of global rehabilitation costs, PW$.
A = Percentage
of user costs to be included. (e.g., 3 percent is entered as
PW(UC) = Present worth of user costs,
PW$. Chapter
4 continues...