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NCDOT Visualization Guidelines for Project Engineers - provides 'guidance' to project engineers on the use of 3D/4D visualization methods for public involvement and preliminary design. The report provides numerous examples from actual NCDOT applications. Links are provided to other on-line examples of the use of visualization. The report also provides the results of a nationwide survey of state DOTs and their current level of visualization utilization.
Virtual Environments and Human Factors

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FDOT Risk Perception Study  (PDF Format, 155K) Describes the results of a study using man-in-the-loop visual simulation methods to evaluate the perceived risks attached by bicyclists to various aspects of roadway design (in particular: lane width, shoulder design conditions, traffic volume, and traffic speed). The results are compared to a parallel study conducted under 'real world' conditions. The data show that visual simulation may provide an effective adjunct, if not alternative, to the conduct of roadway design studies where where it is necessary to observe user performance under controlled operational conditions.

Technical Summary of Key West Visualization Effectiveness Study  (PDF Format, 26K) Provides a brief technical summary or overview of a joint FHWA/Florida DOT study intended to document the effectiveness of visualization for public involvement and preliminary design. The effort was conducted as part of the North/South Roosevelt Blvd Preliminary Design and Environmental (PD&E) Study in Key West, FL. A full report of the study is contained on a CD-ROM available from the Federal Highway Administration, Report No. FHWA-RD-98-173. The CD-ROM contains a full explanation of the 'process' by which the 3D/4D products were developed and used as well as the results of in-depth public and design team surveys oriented to the issue of 'effectiveness.' The CD-ROM also contains the full length visualization presentation used in the public involvement setting.

The Future of Simulation and Modeling in the Florida DOT  (PDF Format, 331K)
Was prepared for the Research Office of the Florida DOT as part of its effort to develop a 'strategic plan' for the development and integration of modeling and simulation into FDOT practices. In addition to providing an overview of modeling and simulation activities both within and outside the immediate transportation field, the report also places in context FDOT-sponsored efforts at the University of Central Florida to develop a vehicle simulation capability.

Comments, suggestions, or for further information, contact: The University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center CB# 3430 Chapel Hill, NC 27599 919-962-2202 or (in NC) 800-672-4527 or Contact: Dr. Ronald Hughes