Table of Contents
- List of Acronyms
- Executive Summary
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Evaluation Scope and Objectives
- 3 MaineDOT MDSS Deployment
- 4 MaineDOT Maintenance Operations
- 5 Evaluation Approach and Methods
- 6 Findings and Lessons Learned
- 7 Conclusions and Recommendations
- Appendix A: MaineDOT Treatment Recommendations
List of Tables
- Table 1. MDSS Pathways to Benefits
- Table 2. MATS Statistics for Example Storm Event.
- Table 3. Observed Weather Conditions, Portland Jetport ASOS, for Example Storm Event
- Table 4. MDSS Hourly Forecast at 20:00 EST February 13, 2007, 5.5 Hours before Example Event, at Portland
- Table 5. MDSS Hourly Forecast at 01:00 EST February 14, 2007, 1.5 Hours before Example Event, at Portland
- Table 6. Alerts from MDSS to MaineDOT for Example Event
- Table 7. MaineDOT Winter Storm Event Record
- Table A. MaineDOT Treatment Recommendations
List of Figures
- Figure 1. Forecast Points along I-295 Study Route, Maine
- Figure 2. MaineDOT Maintenance Regions
- Figure 3. Pavement Temperature Sensor
- Figure 4. Start Dates for 2006-2007 Winter Storms in Scarborough Area, Maine
- Figure 5. Radar Image of Example Storm Event on 2/14/07 at 4:00 PM
- Figure 6. Event Reconstruction Diagram for Example Event